Aquarius Full Moon

Aquarius Full Moon August 11, 2022

    Welcome to today's Full Moon at 20° Aquarius, taking place at 9:36 pm EDT.  This Moon is highlighting ingenuity, group energy, humanitarian concerns and individual rights. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign however, so individuals can get stuck in their own thoughts and ways of looking at things, hence the need for input from others in the group. It's reflective of a democracy where each person has a say in the bigger picture.

   A Full Moon is always about the polarity of the Moon and the Sun, the inner and the outer, self and other. What we see reflected back at us can also be a projection of what others are seeing in us, just as what we see in them can be a similar projection. With the Moon in the Fixed sign Aquarius, the polar opposite is of course the Sun in the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. There's a feeling of the introvert wanting to hide in the middle of the group versus the extrovert wanting attention center stage! Yet, an Aquarian individual is unafraid of standing up for the right to be themselves, so there's a tug-of-war taking place between self-expression and acting on behalf of the greater good.

   The most striking aspect pattern today is a Grand Cross, or square, from the Moon conjunct Saturn to the North and South Nodes, Mars, and Uranus, all on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, and square to the Leo Sun. This is also known as a Fixed Cross, because the planets/archetypes/energies are in each of the  4 Fixed Elements, Fire/Leo, Air/Aquarius, Earth/Taurus, and Water/Scorpio. Their "modus operandi" is to hang on to, store and use whatever is at their disposal, whatever they have acquired and don't want to relinquish. There's some positive and negative attributes to each of these signs, but the process of change isn't easy and there will be repercussions. 

    Just look at current conditions around the world and you can see the upheaval, suffering and dissatisfaction of mankind represented by the individual, versus the status quo or authority figures who want to hang onto power at any cost to the greater good. There is indeed a whole lot of shaking going on! This time and these travails are necessary in order to rebirth a new reality. 

   For individuals, we need to remember that we are in a battle of wills and what is at stake is our sovereignty as human beings and as authority figures of our own destinies. Being assertive, not aggressive, being responsible to the whole, and being the embodiment of awareness and enlightenment for the future isn't an easy task, But it is how we survive in these times that test our souls.

   So, as you join together with like-minded others to effect positive change in your environment, your community or your home, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


Virgo New Moon


Leo New Moon