Welcome to today's New Moon, culminating at 9:40pm EDT in the 22nd degree of Virgo, the Mutable Earth sign that requires adaptability and discernment. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury, the planetary archetype of the lower mind, which is stationing today at 8°Virgo, and turning from retrograde to direct motion tomorrow at 4:21pm. This is your opportunity to decide what you want to discard in order to set up efficient and effective guidelines for making big changes in your life going forward.
There are bigger patterns that form in the sky when planets align to allow ease or tension, which can motivate and open doors, whether through energies coming to a head and bringing breakthroughs, or just easing into place. Two such aspect patterns occur with this New Moon. One is a "kite" pattern formed from a Grand Trine in Earth - the Sun/Moon combination in Virgo, harmonizing with both Uranus (change) and Jupiter (expansion) in the Fixed Earth sign Taurus and powerful Pluto in Capricorn, Cardinal Earth. The outer planets Uranus and Pluto form assisting sextiles to the other outer planet, Neptune in Pisces, helping to initiate new pathways of opportunity and rebirth if you remember your dreams for the future.
I'm pretty sure you're quite familiar with the pattern causing the current tension in your life... it's been hanging around to get your attention for some time now. It's a potentially life-changing T-Square between the Nodes of the Moon in Aries/Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Wherever you've been feeling stress in your life, knowing you need to rid yourself of negative habits, relationships or livelihoods, that's where this breakdown/breakthrough needs to occur. You can now take the reins for making a bid change in your life.
Neptune in Pisces, opposing the Sun and Moon in Virgo, wants you to see the bigger picture and to remember your dreams. You need to be careful that you aren't just building castles in the sky or experiencing magical thinking, which can come from escapist behaviors, such as over-indulging in drugs or alcohol, or putting others on a pedestal.
That's where this New Moon in Virgo, really shines - helping you to set limits and identify your skills and abilities! See the possibility of opening doors and make a plan to move towards what you want to have happen in your life. I find that deciding on the 5 most important things I need to do first, in order to move forward, really help organize my efforts. The universe is beckoning, and it's up to you to step forward.
Remember, if ever there was a time to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, that time is now! Go for it~
Leo New Moon
The New Moon takes place Wednesday, August 16th at 5:38am EDT at 23°Leo 17'. When the Moon joins the Sun, it's the last aspect it makes, going void-of-course until 7:14pm when it enters Virgo. This quick change of focus doesn't diminish Leo's strength or will. Identify what is driving you to express yourself and follow your passion, then you can decide how much or how little you want to work with once the Moon is active in Virgo.
Venus in Leo conjuncts both the Sun and Moon, making it easier to have a pleasant time with friends and/or family, enjoying culture and appreciating the arts. Enthusiasm and drive combine as Mars in Virgo aligns harmoniously with Uranus in Taurus, bringing energy for accomplishing your plans.
Because the revolutionary planet Uranus, in Fixed Taurus, is squaring off with this New Moon in Fixed Fire, watch out for stubborn, ego-driven people to be acting up. Erratic behavior gets noticed and over-the-top personalities may be quite impulsive. Pay attention to your surroundings and try to stay under the radar around such people who may just be looking for an excuse to create a scene.
If you can remind yourself that it's mid-August and most people just want to enjoy themselves before getting back to their regular routines of kids in school and nose-to-the-grindstone at work, then you'll be more likely to go with the flow and let things unfold.
Aquarius Full Moon
Tuesday, August 1st ushers in the 1st Full Moon of the month, an Aquarius Moon, in polarity to the Sun in Leo. uome keywords for Aquarius are ingenuity, individualism and humanitarianism. This fixed Air sign is devoted to ideas facilitating changes that promote the greater good for both individuals and society. A potential difficulty, for groups or individuals, is overthinking and getting stuck in one's own head, not being able to pivot if it becomes necessary to adapt.
Expansive Jupiter in the Fixed Earth sign Taurus, squares off with the
Sun and Moon in Leo/Aquarius. This speaks to the need for caution with your willful ego in order to work, or play, well with others! You may be convinced you know what is best for everyone, but there is a big chance you could lose your cooperative ability to brainstorm for the best possible solution necessary.
Energetic Mars in Virgo makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, lending a practical and energetic direction for attaining your goal. This is very helpful in endeavors having to do with education, sports, travel or politics. A possible obstacle to your progress is
Venus in Leo, retrograde until September 3rd, making a challenging aspect to rebel Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, currently residing in Venus' home turf, Taurus. Expect hold-ups and surprises! Spend your time collaborating and patiently listening to the others, before jumping to conclusions or setting anything in stone.
Cancer New Moon
Here we are in anticipation of tomorrow's New Moon at 2:32pm EDT, and it's feeling more like the same old, same old. Why? Because we just had a Capricorn Full Moon opposing the Sun in Cancer two weeks ago and Pluto also figured strongly at that lunation! Feelings are still running strong and the polarity of safety and security is felt world-wide.
The New Moon at 25°Cancer is not only opposing retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, but it also squares off with the Moon's Nodes facing each other in Aries and Libra, all at 29°of their respective current placements. The energy of much-needed change from the past seems to be stuck in the clasps of those in power around the world, no-one wanting to relinquish their hold on whatever resources or strength they think they have.
How is an individual going to find their way when others want to run the show for their own gain? By tuning into this Cancer New Moon and really getting clear on what you want and need for your own well-being and that of your loved ones, you can set the stage for your progress. Also, by doing what gives you the most peace-of-mind on a daily basis, to the best of your ability, you are building emotional fortitude for the future. The power structure is shifting and each of us can envision our own right livelihood, right place to live and best companions for this transitional time.
Avoid drama and those who thrive on creating chaos. Stay as calm as you can, see the beauty all around you, and daily envision your life filled with purpose and well-being. In other words, take care of yourself! And, I'm going to say something trite here, but it holds a lot of truth... be the change you want to see in the world! By practicing this little-by-little, you will create the future you desire, and you must stay in the NOW to do it!
Gemini New Moon
The Gemini New Moon is exact at 12:37am on Sunday, June 18th. The Sun and Moon align at 26°43' of this Mutable Air sign, indicating a month of interaction, investigation and stimulating conversations. Gemini is a sociable sign, often known to engage in two things at once and still able to keep up with all that is going on. These natives are curious seekers of information and will not be deterred when interrupted. They will just pick up where they left off to get their questions answered.
In the New Moon chart, the Sun and Moon are interacting with the nebulous planet Neptune, archetype of dreams, spirituality and creativity. Are you noticing a deeper sense of compassion for others during these difficult times? Maybe you have a feeling or a hunch that makes you feel uneasy and like you just want to hide and not deal with reality.
These are times we can have the wool pulled over our eyes, or pull one over on someone else. Escapism is rampant around this New Moon and it would be wise to avoid drugs and alcohol, or building up a fantasy of what you'd like to see, versus the way things really are. Ask yourself if something looks or sounds too good to be true, what the underlying motive of the person offering it is and who stands to gain.
Good antidotes for these uncertain times are to do something for someone else, meditate, express yourself through writing or art, listen to beautiful music, or just allow yourself to feel nostalgic and watch old movies. Compassion for others, including the animal kingdom and nature, as well as giving of yourself in some kind of service for the greater good, are suggested.
Sagittarius Full Moon
Welcome to the Sagittarius Full Moon, exact tonight at 13°18' of this fiery Mutable sign! Sagittarius exemplifies seeking, whether it's through the mind or in your travels. This sign is also associated with the ancient wisdom teachings and it just so happens that the Sabian Symbol for tonight's Full Moon degree is The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. The keynote here is that the foundations of archetypal principles are still available through occult knowledge, and that the evolution of men's minds can use this ancient wisdom by evoking the power of spiritual ancestry.
Both the Moon and it's polar opposite, the Sun in airy Gemini, form aspects to Venus in Cancer that draw attention to the necessity of forming peaceful and harmonious bonds with those closest to us, whether family or co-workers. Assisting with this endeavor is Mars in Leo, helping to build self-confidence and point us in the direction of love and joy. Mars is in the lead and it is his job to playfully pull sensitive Venus along because she'll be joining him in Leo in a few days.
Chiron in Aries makes a most harmonious aspect to this Moon, which can lead to the healing of wounds, physical, emotional or spiritual. Known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron has a strong affinity to Sagittarius, both being Centaurs that speak to man's quest to integrate his animal nature with his divine human spirit. I can personally attest to this connection, having both my natal Sun and Chiron in Sagittarius. I have been on a spiritual quest for wholeness most of my adult life, and when I chose to let go of the old hurts and move forward, I experience healing and find more of the wholeness that I seek.
This is an optimistic Full Moon, full of hope for a better future, seeing the glass half full and focusing only on forward movement, letting go of the barriers of the past! You can chose forgiveness or not, it's up to you. And once you realize it's your choice to be as happy or grateful as your life currently offers, you begin to experience the freedom and joy of letting go. So, remember... head in the stars, feet on the ground, and don't look back.
Taurus New Moon
The New Moon in earthy Taurus takes place at 11:53am EDT Friday, May 19th. Mother nature is under the care of Venus, having rulership over this Fixed sign of the zodiac. After a Spring erupting with new growth, new possibilities and some hasty actions, it's time to slow things down a bit and get in touch with what we really need to stabilize our security, whether financial or purely practical.
The Sun and Moon in Taurus align closely with Mars at the last degree of Cancer and in opposition to Pluto, making this a key time to stay calm and not fly off the handle no matter what shows up to trigger us. Taking care of our environment is a necessary part of maintaining stability, and yet, we humans aren't doing a very good job at it.
Now is the time to do some deep soul-searching and ask ourselves what we can do as stewards of the Earth to stop the extreme climate changes due to our greed and need for more, bigger and better... you fill in the blank. We need to stop robbing our natural resources and look at the Sun and wind for our energy sources. We are on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius and we have the technology!
In the present moment, please slow down and appreciate nature and your surroundings, keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The 2nd Eclipse of this season occurs on May 5th at 14°Scorpio 58'. It is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon. Scorpio is a Fixed water sign and involves all manner of deep feelings, shared interests and creative projects. The thing to know here is that we (humankind) are at at crucial point in our development as a species on this planet. The Sabian Symbol for 15°Scorpio is: "children playing around 5 mounds of sand". I will paraphrase Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this degree symbol.
What is being reflected back at us is the necessity to stop kidding around, to stop acting impulsively on our desire natures and to be honest about our emotional entanglements. It is time to recognize the need for a higher mind development requiring interpersonal connection demanding dedication to mankind as a whole. In other words, we need to re-orient ourselves toward future growth and all that entails as a species and a planet.
Yes, this is a heavy time. And... we each have the opportunity to chose how we respond to this necessity. Does it involve hard work emotionally? Yes, it does. It means releasing past hurts and finding new avenues toward healing, forgiveness and moving forward. Wherever this Scorpio Full Moon is taking place in your life, as seen in your birth chart, it is asking you to dig deep and really connect with what you are unwilling to let go of. This involves a wound that you may be wearing like a protective coat of armor. I know it isn't easy to give it up, however we all have our own emotional vulnerabilities and if we keep reacting to each other by jabbing our hurts, it just keeps us going round in circles of pain.
Think of all the energy it takes to maintain your protective shield and how much it keeps you from creating your true potential, especially in partnerships. You deserve to be happy, feel whole and live a joyful life! This is an opportune time to release the past in order to grow and move in the direction of wholeness. Healing takes different forms. Perhaps you need to speak with a professional counselor. Whatever it takes to shed your burden in a way that doesn't intentionally cause more problems for you, this is a good time to dig deep.
Now, imagine a planet full of healthy, creative individuals working together to make the world a safe and thriving home for all it's inhabitants and the Earth herself. Do your part for yourself, your loved ones, your community and the environment and start turning those mounds of sand into castles of enlightenment and fulfillment!
New Moon in Aries
The Spring Equinox arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20th as the Sun leaves watery Pisces for fiery Aries at 5:24pm EDT. When the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, it heralds the Astrological New Year. Here is the fiery boldness of new beginnings, courage and enthusiasm.
Whatever you have been wanting to start, you now have a strong solar energy behind you.
Allow yourself a day or two to actually initiate your project or endeavor, whether personal or professional, waiting until after the New Moon on the 21st, so that the stars align in your favor and support your efforts. Starting something important when the Moon still lags behind the Sun isn't advisable, because the cosmos doesn't encourage false starts, so wait until after the New Moon at 1:23pm on the 21st.
Actually, the rest of the week, through Friday, is very amenable for new beginnings. After the Taurus Moon sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Thursday evening at 5:57pm, and all day on Friday, any growth you desire in finances or romance is especially favored.
Mercury is conjunct the Sun and Moon in Aries as well as Neptune in Pisces. Mars in the final 2 degrees of Gemini is finishing up a square to the Lights and Neptune, hanging onto a lingering air of confusion and possible misunderstandings. The best course of action is to focus on Mars' entry into emotional Cancer at 7:45am on Saturday, the 25th. After so many months in Gemini, it’s time to put one's efforts into one's emotional well-being and/or home.
Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse
The second Aries New Moon in a row is a Solar eclipse that takes place at 12:13am on April 20, 2023 @ 29°50' Aries, and just 17 minutes later, the Moon exits the fiery first sign of the zodiac, moving into the earthy sign, Taurus. Then, the Sun also enters Taurus at 4:14am... that's a major Solar eclipse with both the Lights - Sun & Moon, changing signs within 4 hours.
Are you ready for it?!
The eclipse energy highlights whatever you need to jumpstart right away. You had the opportunity for a new beginning at the 1st Aries New Moon a month ago, when the Moon joined the Sun @1°50' Aries, so I hope you got the ball rolling then. By now, you ought to have figured out what part of your plan or project needs tweaking, and ride the wave of this eclipse right out of the gate and into securing what it is you desire.
Precisely at the Eclipse, the energy is just right for taking an important first step that can be life-changing, provided you do something! Jupiter fans the activity of the Moon and Sun in Aries in the 4th House of this New Moon chart, while the North Node of the Moon, Mercury and Uranus, all residing in Taurus, work to anchor what you need. And it all has to do with home, your physical and/or spiritual homes, and how you can care for yourself and/or your loved ones.
There is also an opportunity here to communicate what you're feeling in a new way with a strong and steady voice. Don't be afraid to express yourself and ask for what you need. You can think outside the box and reach for a different way to get your thoughts across, and still be kind while doing so.
Mercury is turning retrograde on the 21st at 15°Taurus and will turn direct on May 14th at 5°Taurus. Wherever you find those degrees in your birth chart is where you can focus on reviewing and revamping your finances. Issues of what is, or is not, important to invest your time, energy or money on, can be addressed. No matter what you want to accomplish, take your time reassessing your priorities before you make major changes, And, as usual during a Mercury retrograde phase, do your research and wait until you are certain before signing on the dotted line, making significant purchases, or beginning a new course of action.
Libra Full Moon
The Full Moon takes place on the East Coast tonight, just after midnight, at 12:34am! On the west coast, it will happen at 9:34pm. In either time zone, the exact opposition of the Sun and Moon is at 16°Libra07". This is an interesting Full Moon, due to the fact that we had a New Moon on March 21st at 0°Aries50" and will experience a second New Moon in Aries on April 19th at 29°Aries50". Notice that the first is in the first degree of the fiery first sign of the zodiac and the second is in the last degree of said sign.
So, tonight's Full Moon in Libra is truly a symbol of the need for balance and harmony between the doubled-up Cardinal Aries energies, always pushing to begin something new, or get going! Let's talk about the current present Full Moon in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, which wants fairness, sociability and harmony, especially in relationships.
This Full Moon isn't just opposite the Sun in Aries, it is also opposing Chiron at 15°Aries. You may know of the centaur Chiron, as the "wounded healer", or the "rainbow bridge". Chiron's orbit runs between Saturn, representing the body/Earth/necessity, and Uranus representing independence/the unknown/and freedom. The Moon's interaction with Chiron wants to negotiate a peace deal or find a new way to process old wounds and begin the healing process. Chiron is also sitting at the midpoint of the last New Moon and the next New Moon.
That's a reminder that no one person can exist without the support and/or cooperation of another. It's time to consider how your actions may be affecting your loved ones, your friends or others you interact with. Own your part, but don't go overboard, as Jupiter is also sitting just beyond the Sun at 20°Aries, and we all know Jupiter says "go big or go home". In other words, let people take responsibility for their actions and remember that you can't fix them. You can only meet others halfway in your efforts to smooth the waters.
In the Full Moon chart, Saturn (responsibility) and Mars (action), are both in water signs, making a harmonious connection to each other. This is really helpful for self-discipline and taking a bit of a risk exposing your feelings to those near and dear to your heart. While you can't be all things to all people, remember that a calculated risk can be just the nudge you or someone else needs for reconciliation or a new beginning.
Virgo Full Moon
The Moon at 17° Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces at 7:40am on March 7th. This opposition, of the Moon in the adaptable, service-oriented sign Virgo to the Sun in watery and compassionate Pisces, reminds us to be mindful of our selves and others. Yes, Virgo can be critical but that discerning ability helps find solutions to problems and long-standing issues. People with a lot of Virgo in their charts find happiness and success in the healing professions and as secretaries and receptionists, thanks to their eye for detail, and organizing skills.
Today's Full Moon amplifies irritation and possible explosive situations due to difficult aspects to Mars, the archetype of the warrior. While Mars is courageous and will initiate action, his propensity to be impulsive when he wants something, can lead one into dangerous situations. Watch where you're going, don't drive too fast and avoid violent people or letting others push your defensive buttons.
The Sun in Pisces is also in a conjunction with Neptune, ruler of artistic, spiritual and fantasy realms. Your compassion for others needs to have its' limits due to Neptune's lack of boundaries. The opposition to Virgo Moon helps you define what you can and cannot do. Neptune's illusory affects can pull you into uncertain areas if drugs, alcohol or pie-in-the-sky schemes present themselves to you. Be discerning and set boundaries for yourself!
Pisces New Moon
The Moon enters Pisces tonight at 11:58pm EST and joins with the Sun overnight for the New Moon at 2:06am Monday. A new cycle begins at the start of another Lunar rebirth, a time for new beginnings. Although the Moon can't actually be seen for a day or so, it is the planting of seeds that can now happen. Make sure you prepare the soil for new growth by releasing or letting go of the old first! Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac after all and therefore reminds us of endings for new beginnings!
The last lunar cycle is finished and the current one begins with it's focus on all things Piscean, like caring, escapism and nostalgia. Feeling impressionable or vulnerable, sensitive and/or low is common and something to watch out for in yourself or others because there can be a tendency to indulge in alcohol or drugs to escape reality. The antidote for this is being of service, or expressing your feelings in a safe environment of loving and supportive people.
The chart for this New Moon shows both the Sun and Moon separating from a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, calling for self-discipline and the need to build your self esteem. Saturn tends to either tell you that your feelings don't matter or they're not important enough, when all you feel like doing is crawling back under the covers and hiding. Allow yourself to feel whatever sadness, grief, or sense of loss that you're experiencing and if necessary, to share it with a close friend or family member. Keep in mind that it might be better to consult with an emotionally unattached third party, such a counselor, who can listen without judgement or a personal agenda.
In the more upbeat, good news area of Piscean beginnings, this could be your time for some R & R to reflect on the creative urges you've been having. Start writing those song lyrics, or that book of poetry... get out the paintbrushes or the camera and focus your mind's eye on all the beauty around you. Nature is a wonderful companion for lifting spirits, especially if you share your walks by the water, or under the stars with a close friend or loved one.
Leo Full Moon
The Moon is Full at 17°Leo on Sunday, February 5th, reminding us to lighten up, enjoy ourselves and have some fun! The polarity of this Fixed Fire Moon is to the Sun in the Fixed Air sign Aquarius. Cold month, cold weather and warm hearts!
This is a great time to express your love to those who matter most in your life. The caution is not to be stuck in your mind with an exclusive version of what love means. Fixed signs can tend toward conditions... like, "if you loved me...", or "I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who...", instead of just opening the heart and expressing what is in it, allowing yourself to experience love and joy!
Here's a bit of exciting information - the planet most prominently configured with the Moon and Sun, in a T-Square aspect, is Uranus, the maverick archetype and bringer of sudden surprises. If you have been entertaining the thought of a new relationship, be informed that thoughts are vibrations and can bring you back what you sent out to the universe. This could be the breakthrough you've been wanting but never really expected! Keep your antennae up for Cupid's arrow finding it's way to your heart.
That said, it could be a different sort of relationship, unconventional, and without guidelines, maybe shocking even. Uranus is the Ruler of Aquarius whose vibrational energy is electric, outside the norm and exciting!
Be patient with others while maintaining some self discipline to curb any impulsivity now. Set your intention to give everyone the same right to express their individuality as you desire for yourself. Keeping an open mind may not be easy, but that's the challenge of this Full Moon.
Aquarian New Moon
The Moon joins the Sun in Aquarius at 3:53pm today, January 21st, for the Aquarian New Moon, bringing together our innermost need for connection and our outer drive for independence and innovation. With both Mars and Mercury now out of their retrograde phases, all the planets in our Solar System are currently moving in direct motion, which gives us a four month time frame to move ahead with our plans towards reaching our goals.
In the chart for the New Moon, both "Lights"- the Sun and Moon, are making positive alignments with assertive Mars in Gemini and expansive Jupiter in Aries, making this an opportune time to go after what you want. That expression "fortune favors the bold" is never more true than it is now! Pay attention to your feelings and intuition while deciding what action to take when the Sun and Moon are aligned
All the research you've been doing since mid-October, while Mars did an about-face, ought to be put to use in your efforts to make progress. If you still feel the need to get more information, by all means do that before just jumping into something. Jupiter assists your efforts through like or education, maybe doing something a bit daring that takes you out of your comfort zone and excites you at the same time.
Finally, this Aquarius connection of the Sun and Moon takes place in the 7th house of partnerships, putting the focus on harmony and emotional support in your key relationships. The polarity between self and other(s), mirrors your ability to meet your needs, attract others who see that you know how to do that, as well as doing it for themselves. No neediness, just clarity of intention and shared ideas or goals.
Cancer Full Moon
Happy New Year! The first Full Moon of the year takes place tonight at 6:08pm EST at 17°of Cancer, helping us tune into our emotions and needs for self-care. Cancer is the sign of home, hearth and family and as a Cardinal water sign, it's focus is on our nest and how we feather it. Some people are still seeking the best nest for themselves, while others are trying to balance out their desire for intimate relationship with their work responsibilities.
The Sun in Cardinal Earth, Capricorn, has a real drive towards career and wants to focus on attaining certain goals. But the primary concern here is how to balance out your personal and public personas. It's time to reflect on where your energies reside... is work consuming more than its' fair share of your time? How can you pay better attention to your family without compromising your job responsibilities?
While Cancer is emotionally based, the Moon here is also opposed to Mercury sitting alongside the Sun. The challenge is to either introduce your thoughts to your heart, OR... your feelings to your head. You are able to communicate more clearly your personal needs under this Full Moon. Try to do that when clear-headed, without any emotional subterfuge!
Sensitive Neptune interacts harmoniously with the Moon tonight for being in touch with your intuition. If you're feeling torn about a choice, or a decision, put it off until you can find some peace and quiet to sit and reflect calmly on what the right path is for you. This is an excellent aspect for creative and artistic, musical or spiritual work. A meditation can help ground and center the energy around your self-care needs.
Remember to keep your head in the stars, your heart open and your feet on the ground~
New Moon in Capricorn
The Moon left Sagittarius on Thursday when it began an overnight VOC period, before entering Capricorn early on Friday morning, when it then joined the Sun at 5:17am in the first degree/ 1°Capricorn 33'. This New Moon reminds us of the importance of respecting our bosses and authority figures as an extension of our values. If you can't do that, then it may be time to look for a position where your abilities and attributes are encouraged and respected.
This New Moon fosters positive growth for building new foundations that work for you! What are you trying to achieve and what are the steps necessary to move in that direction? Patience and hard work are two of the attributes you need for making this happen. Jupiter's recent move into Aries, the sign of courage, entrepreneurship and beginnings, is your support system. Look for opportunities that may previously have seemed unattainable but very desirable and apply some daring-do while taking a risk for yourself!
With five planets in Capricorn - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto, this is a great time to seriously consider your business plan, your home restructuring projects, or your path to building better family solidarity. Saturday, the 24th supports your efforts all day. Do keep in mind the fact that Mercury in Capricorn will go retrograde early on the 29th of December until January18th, overlapping with the final 2 weeks of Mars retrograde in Gemini. Best plan is not to sign on the dotted line or make promises you can't keep until these energies are both moving in direct motion, then it's full-steam ahead... Hooray, it's feeling like new beginnings are possible!!
Christmas is on Sunday and with an Aquarius Moon, it's a wonderful time for reaching out to others and incorporating some philanthropic or humanitarian activity into your day.
May this Holiday season bring you health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year!
New Moon in Sagittarius
Today, November 22nd, the Sun ingressed into Sagittarius for the next 30 days. The season of giving, abundance and the love of freedom, is upon us! What path to exploring opportunity and expansion of your mind is calling to you? Until the Moon enters Sagittarius to align with the Sun at 5:57pm on Wednesday, for the New Moon, we are still under the dark of the Moon. As we inch toward a change in attitude and perspective that is more forthright and optimistic, it’s a good time to consider what gives you purpose and meaning in your life. What have your dreams and subconscious been bringing to light lately?
This New Moon can give you a much-needed boost of possibility for new starts. And, thanks to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius turning around from retrograde to Direct motion just after the New Moon tomorrow, you can begin to envision your personal or professional life goals. There is a note of caution here though… while it’s about time to imagine something pleasing, embracing the optimism, it’s necessary to avoid “pie in the sky” thinking on something that may be unattainable.
A square aspect between rambunctious Mars, retrograde in Gemini, and responsible Saturn can bring some leverage which allows you to be cautiously optimistic. Take care of business, communicate as clearly as possible and if you’ve done your homework/research, then feel free to proceed in the direction of gaining that which makes you happy. Overall. there’s an underlying influence in this New Moon chart that not easily seen and yet, has a subtle impact on hopes and dreams, and that comes from sensitive Neptune in Pisces being the “final dispositor” of all the planets in the signs. Translated… that means that it’s our higher consciousness and intentions that matter most now.
Happy New Moon in Sadge and Happy Thanksgiving~
Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus
The 2nd Eclipse of this Fall season culminates on Tuesday, November 8th at 6:02am when the Moon in the 17th degree of Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio. The kicker of this lunar eclipse is that it is conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprises and upsets. These two energetic shape-shifters also oppose the Ascendant, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, as well as it's own South Node, which is what makes a lunar eclipse in the first place.
While the Moon is exalted in the peace-promoting Earth sign of loving Taurus, the polarization to all those planets and points in the intense and often-times confrontational Water sign of relentless Scorpio, can be overwhelming emotional and psychologically damaging, which brings living in a crisis oriented world into high focus. Scorpio energy strategizes and isn't above subtle manipulation to get what it desires. Yet, Taurean energy is equally as stubborn in holding steady until others are attracted to their way of calmness and stability.
A T-square is formed from Saturn at 18° of Fixed Aquarius to the Lunar polarity with the Sun in 17°'s of the fixed Earth and Water signs, and triggering independent Uranus to upset the proverbial apple cart just when you thought things might be falling into place. Like a bolt out of the blue, this unsteady planetary aspect pattern leaves us open to sudden and difficult changes.
There's a spiritual and creative undercurrent to this Lunar Eclipse chart due to Neptune's positive interactions with the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Sensitivity connects the dots and provides a path of redemption during a stressful week. Stay calm, carry on and don't be intimidated by retrograde Mars' inclination to push your buttons or misdirect you on your path. This too shall pass.
Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon
Scorpio New Moon Oct. 25, 2022
On Tuesday morning, at 6:49am EDT the Moon joins the Sun at 3° Scorpio to birth a 4 week phase that involves letting go, followed by a period of renewal. This is the first eclipse of the Fall season, to be followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 17° Taurus on Nov. 8th at 6:02am EST. These two Fixed signs want to build security, create growth and ensure economic recovery. Let's look at how they can do that and who their supporting cast is.
Scorpio's pursuit of intimate partnership lends itself well to working together co-creatively. When the Sun and Moon combine their energies here, they will go to the depths necessary to find hidden treasures that will help them strategize the best way to achieve their aims. This is where their creativity comes in. They know how to re-purpose and what not to throw out, thereby making the most out of every available resource. Resources include skills, talents and intuition, not just money in the bank.
Venus, sitting at the exact same degree of Scorpio, plays an important role at this New Moon. Her powers of subtle seduction are a key factor in getting what she wants out of a project, partnership or enterprise. Her calm nature draws you to her, especially in the fields of art, nature and spirituality. A word of caution here... no matter where you sit in the equation, know that emotions are strongly felt and feelings can be easily hurt. Kindness, honesty and gentleness will build trust.
Mercury plays its' role through common sense, listening and asking questions, while Mars in Gemini has a lot of balls in the air, trying to capture first this one's, then that one's attention. Watch out what you say or agree to, because if you haven't done your homework, you may find yourself literally eating your words for the next several months, scrambling to take it back, or asking for forgiveness. Mars is going retrograde on the 30th through January 12th, 2023 and there's going to be a lot of review going on.
The key to this time frame, right now, is to work hard on any important project, put your energy into that troubled significant relationship, or become your own best friend, while avoiding un-necessarily pushing someone's sensitive buttons.