Aquarius Full Moon
Tuesday, August 1st ushers in the 1st Full Moon of the month, an Aquarius Moon, in polarity to the Sun in Leo. uome keywords for Aquarius are ingenuity, individualism and humanitarianism. This fixed Air sign is devoted to ideas facilitating changes that promote the greater good for both individuals and society. A potential difficulty, for groups or individuals, is overthinking and getting stuck in one's own head, not being able to pivot if it becomes necessary to adapt.
Expansive Jupiter in the Fixed Earth sign Taurus, squares off with the
Sun and Moon in Leo/Aquarius. This speaks to the need for caution with your willful ego in order to work, or play, well with others! You may be convinced you know what is best for everyone, but there is a big chance you could lose your cooperative ability to brainstorm for the best possible solution necessary.
Energetic Mars in Virgo makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, lending a practical and energetic direction for attaining your goal. This is very helpful in endeavors having to do with education, sports, travel or politics. A possible obstacle to your progress is
Venus in Leo, retrograde until September 3rd, making a challenging aspect to rebel Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, currently residing in Venus' home turf, Taurus. Expect hold-ups and surprises! Spend your time collaborating and patiently listening to the others, before jumping to conclusions or setting anything in stone.