Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse
The second Aries New Moon in a row is a Solar eclipse that takes place at 12:13am on April 20, 2023 @ 29°50' Aries, and just 17 minutes later, the Moon exits the fiery first sign of the zodiac, moving into the earthy sign, Taurus. Then, the Sun also enters Taurus at 4:14am... that's a major Solar eclipse with both the Lights - Sun & Moon, changing signs within 4 hours.
Are you ready for it?!
The eclipse energy highlights whatever you need to jumpstart right away. You had the opportunity for a new beginning at the 1st Aries New Moon a month ago, when the Moon joined the Sun @1°50' Aries, so I hope you got the ball rolling then. By now, you ought to have figured out what part of your plan or project needs tweaking, and ride the wave of this eclipse right out of the gate and into securing what it is you desire.
Precisely at the Eclipse, the energy is just right for taking an important first step that can be life-changing, provided you do something! Jupiter fans the activity of the Moon and Sun in Aries in the 4th House of this New Moon chart, while the North Node of the Moon, Mercury and Uranus, all residing in Taurus, work to anchor what you need. And it all has to do with home, your physical and/or spiritual homes, and how you can care for yourself and/or your loved ones.
There is also an opportunity here to communicate what you're feeling in a new way with a strong and steady voice. Don't be afraid to express yourself and ask for what you need. You can think outside the box and reach for a different way to get your thoughts across, and still be kind while doing so.
Mercury is turning retrograde on the 21st at 15°Taurus and will turn direct on May 14th at 5°Taurus. Wherever you find those degrees in your birth chart is where you can focus on reviewing and revamping your finances. Issues of what is, or is not, important to invest your time, energy or money on, can be addressed. No matter what you want to accomplish, take your time reassessing your priorities before you make major changes, And, as usual during a Mercury retrograde phase, do your research and wait until you are certain before signing on the dotted line, making significant purchases, or beginning a new course of action.