Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The 2nd Eclipse of this season occurs on May 5th at 14°Scorpio 58'. It is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon. Scorpio is a Fixed water sign and involves all manner of deep feelings, shared interests and creative projects. The thing to know here is that we (humankind) are at at crucial point in our development as a species on this planet. The Sabian Symbol for 15°Scorpio is: "children playing around 5 mounds of sand". I will paraphrase Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this degree symbol.

What is being reflected back at us is the necessity to stop kidding around, to stop acting impulsively on our desire natures and to be honest about our emotional entanglements. It is time to recognize the need for a higher mind development requiring interpersonal connection demanding dedication to mankind as a whole. In other words, we need to re-orient ourselves toward future growth and all that entails as a species and a planet.

Yes, this is a heavy time. And... we each have the opportunity to chose how we respond to this necessity. Does it involve hard work emotionally? Yes, it does. It means releasing past hurts and finding new avenues toward healing, forgiveness and moving forward. Wherever this Scorpio Full Moon is taking place in your life, as seen in your birth chart, it is asking you to dig deep and really connect with what you are unwilling to let go of. This involves a wound that you may be wearing like a protective coat of armor. I know it isn't easy to give it up, however we all have our own emotional vulnerabilities and if we keep reacting to each other by jabbing our hurts, it just keeps us going round in circles of pain.

Think of all the energy it takes to maintain your protective shield and how much it keeps you from creating your true potential, especially in partnerships. You deserve to be happy, feel whole and live a joyful life! This is an opportune time to release the past in order to grow and move in the direction of wholeness. Healing takes different forms. Perhaps you need to speak with a professional counselor. Whatever it takes to shed your burden in a way that doesn't intentionally cause more problems for you, this is a good time to dig deep.

Now, imagine a planet full of healthy, creative individuals working together to make the world a safe and thriving home for all it's inhabitants and the Earth herself. Do your part for yourself, your loved ones, your community and the environment and start turning those mounds of sand into castles of enlightenment and fulfillment!


Taurus New Moon


New Moon in Aries