Leo Full Moon

The Moon in fiery Leo opposes the Sun In cool and airy Aquarius, at 27°60’ on Wednesday, February 16th at 11:56am EST. Then the Moon becomes inactive until it leaves Leo and enters Virgo at 3:42pm. It’s as if the dramatic Moon says “you had better take a good look at me, because I’m out of here!” Virgo is a practical earth sign, not prone to liking attention, and it’s the discerning step after exiting the stage. That this transition from Leo to Virgo happens so fast after the Full Moon, means we can be assured that no matter what excitement has taken place this morning, we get a chance to put the pieces back together again quickly, or at the very least, figure out how to make sense of it all.

But first, what might we expect of this Leo Moon energy? Maybe a bit of fun, maybe some self expression, maybe some creativity… any of these is highlighted now and with the Moon sitting on the cusp of the 4th house, we want to have fun with our loved ones or just enjoy ourselves like we did, or wanted to, when we were children. A Full Moon is always a polarity, a seesaw, a seeking to balance the inner feelings of the Moon with the outer drive of the Sun. Perhaps we shine at home but blend in when in a large group. The trick here is not to give in entirely to either our ego or our will! It’s called moderation, seeing both sides and not going to extremes.

Let’s look at what else is going on at this Lunar cycle. The first thing I noticed in the chart for tomorrow, is that these two Lights, the Sun and the Moon, are pretty much just shining on each other, or more accurately, the cold, hard light of a wintry Aquarian day is reflected in the Moon’s desire to create warmth from within and express it outwardly in its surroundings! The dance they’re doing takes place on the Midheaven and the IC, technical terms for the entryway/cusp of the 10th and 4th Houses. Dance like no is watching, but remember someone always is… and endeavor to make a difference through your behavior and in consideration of others so you leave an impression worthy of your reputation and character.

Venus and Mars align together today in the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. You can totally make a difference in this world by using your ability to attract what you need and who you need to assist you, by combining charm with self-assurance and not being too pushy. After all, the desire ought to be building foundations that acknowledge lessons learned from the past, while living in the present moment and having hope for the future. Without any one of those things, what do you have to aspire to?

Remember to engage in your passions, enjoy your blessings and enhance your relationships with love and support as you consider the starry skies and walk on the beautiful earth.


Pisces New Moon


Mercury in Aquarius