Libra Full Moon
The Moon is Full on April 16th, at 2:55pm EST, 26° 46' of Libra, Cardinal Air and the 7th sign of the Zodiac. Why is it important to know that the Libra Full Moon is in the 7th sign, because its' polar opposite, Aries, is the 1st sign, and we had a New Moon in the first sign of the zodiac to jumpstart our (astrological) new year, on April 1st, two weeks ago. The Moon moves at about 2.5 degrees a day, so she has covered 1/2 the signs in roughly half the month, which she does every month, acting as our emotional/spiritual gauge.
Aries begins things, sometimes impulsively, but always courageously and ready for new inspiration, jumping in without abandon, When we get to this point, at any Full Moon, it's necessary to slow down and take stock of our progress. In Libra, that means assessing our relationships and how we are doing with harmony, balance and moderation. Did we consider our impact on others when we began our latest venture? Are we putting more effort into our project than we are with shared concerns involving loved ones? This is the time to find our inner fulcrum and an even keel.
In Dane Rudhyar's book, An Astrological Mandala, he gives us a reinterpretation of the Sabian Symbols as set down by Marc Jones through the mediumship of Elsie Wheeler in 1925. In Rudhyar's Cycle of Transformation, the Sabian Symbol for 27° Libra is: An Airplane Sails, High in the Clear Sky. This symbolizes the consciousness that transcends the conflicts and pressures in our personal lives. We each have the capacity to gain a new perspective through contemplation and cooperation in order to attain unity above and beyond polarity, to reach freedom and peace. What this Full Moon offers is a stage of Transcendent Realization.
I seldom share the actual Sabian Symbolism in my Blogs, but that doesn't mean I am not considering them in my writing at the times of the New and Full Moons. This degree symbol (27°Libra) seemed especially applicable to me for the times.
A few more thoughts on this Full Moon... self-motivation and inner confidence are available to the individual now, thanks to harmonious aspects between the Moon and Mars and the Moon and Saturn. Building security and a firm footing while working with others serves everyone involved. Pluto's square to the Moon drives home the need for a greater sense of purpose and regaining our true power. As much drama as there is out in the world, the more we settle our inner demons and gain control of our emotions, the more likely we are to receive rewards of inner peace and a sense of our own power.
As you contemplate what is out of harmony in yourself, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.