Mercury in Leo~

Mercury Enters Leo

On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021, Mercury, the planet of speaking, thinking and interacting, enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo for a mere two weeks. What Mercury wants to communicate during these 2 weeks while traveling through the sign of creative self-expression, is love and joy.

On the personality level, Mercury is all about communication, socialization and curiosity. It wants to collect information and share it with those closest to them. Acting at this level, Mercury finds out all the details, writes it down or spreads it around. That's its' job! Just watch out for the tendency to only focus on yourself and forget about the needs of others. Avoid gossiping as well.

When participating on the higher level of the soul, Mercury acts as "the messenger of the gods" to enhance growth and facilitate harmony where there is conflict. In the inspirational Fire Sign of Leo, it's job is to bring about love through knowledge, science or technology, and with the right use of will, can make a difference. One can know something and still not understand it. However, when love and wisdom are the driving forces, then a change for the good is possible.

Our individual job over the next 2 weeks then becomes one of expressing our love to our family, friends and assorted significant others. Don't forget smoothing the waters with coworkers and neighbors. Other attributes of Mercury are compromise and collaboration, especially when we want to accomplish something and need the help of others.

Remember, it's a good idea to pay attention to where you're going if distracted by the starry sky



Full Moon in Aquarius


The Sun Enters Leo