Pisces Full Moon
The Full Moon culminates overnight tonight at 12:42 am on the 10th. It takes place at 18° Pisces, the Sabian Symbol for which is: "In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance." This symbol speaks to the collective appeal of an individual's skill and/or oratory and the time for self-dramatization.
Neptune rules Pisces and has dominion over the seas, fog, film, illusions, drug, alcohol, fantasy, art, and music. as well as our dreams, sensitivities and psychic abilities. Whatever feelings are rolling around in your subconscious or dream state is where you need to pay attention now. With Neptune sitting next to the Moon in the 7th House of others, we may have trouble dealing with what is real and what is just for "show".
A Full Moon always allows us an opportunity to take the opposite viewpoint and that's where the Sun currently resides in Virgo. Attention to detail, weeding out, taking care of our health and well-being is what we need to consider during this polarity. In the chart for the Full Moon, the Sun sits on the Virgo ascendant in a trine aspect to Uranus, where it can have a strong and unusual influence on people. Perhaps, someone's meticulous research into a matter of necessity brings an unexpected breakthrough or surprise to light.
There is a "Mystic Rectangle" in this chart, connecting the elements of Water and Earth through the Moon and Sun in Pisces/Virgo and the lunar Nodes in Scorpio/Taurus. Awareness can come through the opposition of the Lights, bringing understanding through the trines to the Nodes and a practical opportunity for finding a way to integrate these harmonious energies through the complimentary sextiles between the Moon and North Node and the Sun and South Node. I know this may be confusing to some of you, and I'm asking you to just sit with this information and let it percolate through your heart and mind. You'll get what you need from it.
Saturn, the planetary archetype of hard work and responsibility, is heavily invested in this Moon cycle, forming as it does a T-square to the Nodes. Self-discipline and a commitment to working within the framework of a group or organization to effect necessary change is the challenge here. Perseverance and elbow-grease will help move you to your desired goals.
Enjoy the moonlight, bathe in it's exquisite serenity and absorb her message of connection to the whole world, but avoid building castles in the sky without a solid foundation. In other words, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.