Scorpio New Moon
The New Moon culminates when it joins the Sun at 12° 40’ of Scorpio on November 4th. This Fixed Water sign shores up well when in touch with both feelings and intentions as happens at the New Moon. Given that this lunation is in the 7th House of relationships, and that its’ ruler Mars is in the drivers seat in Scorpio as well, it is important to direct your energy into a productive approach to any new projects or partnerships. In order to move forward, it is necessary to release any past hinderances to growth.
The closest and most significant aspect this Moon makes is an opposition to rebellious Uranus. A combination of impulsive behavior, and intense feelings creates conflict between radical thinking and shifting emotions. Combine that with squares from both sides to Saturn in Aquarius and we have a T-Square that can act like either a restraint providing self-discipline, or a catalyst for compromise. Uranus represents a change of mind to emerging awareness of deep-seated resentment or anger that needs to be released in order for a change of mind. Saturn provides stability for a new approach to productive partnerships.
Venus as ruler of the Taurus ascendant for this New Moon chart makes a very supportive aspect to communicative Mercury for harmonious associations and compromise, much needed attributes at this time. Going forward, Venus enters Earthy Capricorn on the 6th where she will spend 4 months, retrograding and moving forward to make responsible financial commitments and form serious relationships. Pay attention to where your money goes and how you can conserve resources for the near future.
The supporting role provided by Neptune in Pisces to the Scorpio New Moon increases compassion and sensitivity, enhancing intuition and creativity. Listening to our inner muse about what our next steps ought to be, brings awareness of the subconscious spiritual thread winding through these water signs. Neptune reflects a going-with-the-flow approach to what is going on around us and learning to trust our intuitive side to recognize important signposts when they appear. Another insight of the Neptunian archetype is the realization that we are all connected on this blue-green marble floating in space and it’s time to use our creative imaginations to find workable solutions to the issues we face involving the rising seas, worsening storms, heightened temperatures and polluted water and air.
Who can you partner with to make a difference? How can you use all your resources more responsibly and productively? The time is now to figure it out and begin!