Virgo Full Moon

Virgo Full Moon

    My blogs usually highlight how current planetary transits are affecting us as individuals and our choices at dealing with them. However, this Full Moon demands we pay attention to the world and our connections to each other. Of course, the bigger picture is always reflected in each person, situation and event currently affected. Therefore, my musings today have a more universal perspective and appeal than normal.

   The Full Moon @ 28°Virgo takes place at 3:18am EDT on Friday, March 20th. This polarity of the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo symbolizes the accord felt between identifying the wound (Virgo) and healing (Pisces). This is the polarity of service and suffering. Much of the world's attention is on the war in Ukraine and the need for humanity to step up and ascertain what is unacceptable. In the larger picture, that is the willful destruction of a country, it's culture and people by an obsessed ruler of a neighboring country for his selfish gain. On the individual level, it is the Piscean compassion flowing from the realization that we are all connected.

   As I look at the chart, I see this Virgo Moon rising above a container that holds the rest of the planets, with Pluto in Capricorn on the leading edge and Uranus in Taurus creating the other border. The Moon in Virgo asks, how can I be of service? There are three planets in Aquarius and four in Pisces. That is a pronounced emphasis on the need for transformation away from destructive patterns and into more inclusive and compassionate ways of coexisting in the world, despite our heritage or cultures.

    Put another way, we have more than an opportunity to transform our world, we have the absolute necessity to move in a new direction!  If we are going to save the Earth and all her inhabitants, we need to stop thinking someone else will fix things, whether it's injustice, global warming or war. Each one of is being called on to take a moral inventory of where we stand and what we can do. There's the individual piece.

    Feeling overwhelmed? That's understandable, but not conducive to making a positive change. Now is not the time to cave in or give up. It is time to create harmony in our homes, neighborhoods, communities and countries and to visualize world peace. We need to turn things around for the better. Each of us has the capacity to make a difference. Be kind to your loved ones. Smile at your neighbors and lend a hand if they need it. Reach out to those suffering in your community and around the world, doing what you can. 

Believe in a better world. 


Aries New Moon


Pisces New Moon