February Highlights
The start of February is very auspicious! We came in under a New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st, which happened to be the same day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of the Water Tiger. Tigers are courageous, fierce and not afraid to take risks. Strength is a good tool to have in 2022. To read more about the Aquarius New Moon, Mercury’s move into Aquarius on the 14th, and the Leo Full Moon on February 16th, go to my Blog page.
Giant Jupiter aligns in a harmonious relationship to the revolutionary planet Uranus on Thursday February 17th. As we know, Jupiter likes to make a big deal out of everything in order to expand our knowledge and our horizons. When he meets up with the rebel Uranus who likes to think outside the box, anything can happen. If it were a difficult or challenging aspect between these two archetypes, we might expect sudden blowups in events, but because they meet in an agreeable way, there could be pleasant surprises, sudden breakthroughs, or exciting inspirations leading to new beginnings. Whatever brilliant ideas you may have tonight, be sure to write them down because they could also fall into the easy-come, easy-go category and have a very fleeting effect!
The Sun entered the mutable Water sign Pisces on February 18th where it will swim in dreamy currents until Sunday, March 20th, at the Spring Equinox. That means the last 30 days of winter are upon us, in which to dream, imagine and visualize our futures. Pay attention to your intuition and what inspires you during this phase. This is the time of year to pause and reflect, go on a spiritual retreat or vacation by the ocean. If you can’t get away, and even if you can, carve out some time to take out your pencils and papers, paint brushes and canvases, craft supplies, glue and scissors, or your needlework projects and enjoy hours of creativity.
Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, while Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces. Both planets are currently in their rulership, accentuating the possibilities for expanding our conscious awareness of the feelings and needs of others. Jupiter brings opportunities to learn more and Neptune blurs the boundaries between us. The cautionary tale here is taking on too much or being fooled into giving of ourselves to people who are just using us for their own agenda. Of course there are many different ways that you can be affected by these planetary energies, depending on what area of your life (houses) they are currently in, as well as aspects to your birth planets.
On February 23, the aggressive archetype Mars, currently in Capricorn where it is exalted, is forming a sextile aspect to compassionate Neptune at home in Pisces. These two planetary energies are quite different in their outgoing demeanor, and yet they can somehow come together during this aspect that promotes an active exchange for working together. Sextiles link two bodies in compatible elements, in this instance Mars in an earth sign and Neptune in a water sign, for working towards an understanding to provide something necessary, though not always available. Don’t miss your opportunity to build something that expresses your caring or understanding. It can make a difference in the world around you!
Then, on the 24th, Venus, very close behind Mars in Capricorn comes into the same opportunity aspect with Neptune. This can provide a pleasant and sympathetic ground on which to create your vision for beauty, fairness and equality. Mars goes ahead and forges the path and Venus attracts followers to the mission of harmonizing in order to have beautiful and fruitful alliances and outcomes.
February 24th sees a square of interactive Mercury in Aquarius to rebel Uranus in Taurus. There is a build-up of tension in an over-active mind! If you can keep your wits about you, perhaps there is some hope for filtering out the ridiculous thoughts and finding the kernels of true possibility. Remember, these aspects are universal, so you aren’t the only one in a kerfuffle about what to do. Hope is the by-word for the times right now as the Earth and all her inhabitants are under the watery Piscean film of forgetfulness, compassion and understanding. Avoid escapism behavior or retreating into old self-sabotaging patterns that only add to your discomfort. Try meditating, walking in nature and surrounding yourself with supportive people who are also seeking a more conscious path forward. We don’t have to fix anyone or any situation that isn’t us, but we do need to maintain our own boundaries, priorities and well-being.