It’s Sagittarius Season!

Venus and Mercury joined last night in the outgoing and optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. The archetype of beauty and comfort, as well as your financial picture, Venus entered this more expansive sign on Wednesday, the 16th. thereby increasing a sense of largesse and the feeling that there is enough to go around. Then on the 17th, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, breezed into Sagittarius also, helping to open up discussion about the bigger picture. Plans become more inclusive, while visions and goals for the future include educational or travel possibilities that increase your knowledge and awareness of the world around you.

Today, November 22nd, the Sun ingressed into Sagittarius for the next 30 days. The season of giving, abundance and the love of freedom, is upon us! What path to exploring opportunity and expansion of your mind is calling to you? Until the Moon enters Sagittarius to align with the Sun at 5:57pm on Wednesday, for the New Moon, we are still under the dark of the Moon. As we inch toward a change in attitude and perspective that is more forthright and optimistic, it’s a good time to consider what gives you purpose and meaning in your life. What have your dreams and subconscious been bringing to light lately?

This New Moon can give you a much-needed boost of possibility for new starts. And, thanks to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius turning around from retrograde to Direct motion just after the New Moon tomorrow, you can begin to envision your personal or professional life goals. There is a note of caution here though… while it’s about time to imagine something pleasing, embracing the optimism, it’s necessary to avoid “pie in the sky” thinking on something that may be unattainable.

A square aspect between rambunctious Mars, retrograde in Gemini, and responsible Saturn can bring some leverage which allows you to be cautiously optimistic. Take care of business, communicate as clearly as possible and if you’ve done your homework/research, then feel free to proceed in the direction of gaining that which makes you happy. Overall. there’s an underlying influence in this New Moon chart that not easily seen and yet, has a subtle impact on hopes and dreams, and that comes from sensitive Neptune in Pisces being the “final dispositor” of all the planets in the signs. Translated… that means that it’s our higher consciousness and intentions that matter most now.

Happy New Moon in Sadge and Happy Thanksgiving~


Winter Solstice & Capricorn New Moon


The Sun in Libra at the Fall Equinox