November Highlights
We enter November with the three personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, as well as the two interpersonal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, all moving in direct motion, giving us a sense of being able to get something done! Of the three transpersonal or “outer” planets, Pluto went into direct motion on October 6th and Neptune will station and turn into direct motion on December 1st. Uranus stays in retrograde motion until January 18, 2022.
The Sun is in watery Scorpio until November 21st, accentuating personal and business partnerships that involve shared resources and/or projects. Often, those resources are financial, but can include deeply held values to create something transformative within the partnership. This is a time when emotions are intense and wounds are raw. If you have come to the realization that a relationship is more hurtful than helpful, you may benefit from a period of reassessment. Access your inner needs by using your psychic powers to go beneath the surface and experience what needs to be transformed or released.
Fast moving Mercury, still in airy Libra until it moves into Scorpio on the 6th, interacts harmoniously with giant Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing people together through conversations and a shared pursuit of knowledge and/or information. Just watch out for becoming overly interested in the problems or drama that others are experiencing on the 2nd when Mercury’s curiosity starts asking deeper questions while squaring intense Pluto. Thought provoking dialogue is one thing, while intentionally making others uncomfortable for no good purpose is another.
The Scorpio New Moon arrives at 5:14pm EST on November 4th. Go to my Blog page to read about it.
Both Mercury and Venus are playing nice and loose to start off November until Venus leaves adaptable Sagittarius for structured Capricorn on the morning of Nov. 5th. Get ready for a long hard look at financial concerns, budgeting and building solid foundations because the Queen of natural resources that is Venus stays in this cardinal Earth sign until March 7th, 2022! That is due to her turning retrograde on December 19th. More about that in another post.
Mercury picks up speed and moves into Scorpio also on Nov. 5th, to help us probe the deeper meaning of things, do the necessary research for a shared project, or get to know that significant other much more intimately. In Scorpio’s territory, it will be our emotions that drive us and help give voice to hidden feelings, perhaps allowing for a breakthrough of stuck patterns, no longer inhibiting our ability to vocalize what we desire. Creativity can flourish once we release the past which has blocked our growth in some way.
On November 10th, Mercury joins up with Mars in Scorpio and the potential for arguments or angry words is ignited. Avoid arguments and keep your conversations as brief as possible while sharing only necessary information. For the next few days, remind yourself that anyone or any situation can set people off. There are other aspects today between Mercury and Saturn, then Mars and Saturn that are all interconnected. Self-discipline is needed in making commitments or jumping to conclusions about what others are thinking or doing…. ask questions when in doubt. The most advisable course of action would be to avoid overreacting to any upsetting words or actions from others, while not dishing out any either!
Empathy and intuition coming from Neptune’s harmonious connection to the Sun in Scorpio on the 12th, brings a deeper layer of understanding to what is needed in partnership endeavors. After the potential upheaval of the previous few days, Mars aligns with the wounded healer, Chiron, and can begin the process of adjustment needed for considering the positions of others and starting to heal rifts. The next day, Nov. 13th, finds Mercury opposed to revolutionary Uranus, giving us the chance to recognize opposing points of views. This can be unsettling and/or enlightening, a chance to see the situation from another perspective.
Two days later, on Nov. 15th, the intense solar power of the Sun in Scorpio has an opportunity to connect with the larger community and brainstorm new options, thanks to an aspect with Jupiter in inventive Aquarius. The next day, the Sun aligns harmoniously with Scorpio’s co-ruler, Pluto, bringing in a positive approach for renewal and rejuvenation on both the physical and emotional planes. Sharing optimism and releasing negativity is the start of a beneficial alliance of transformation.
Excitement is in the air on the 17th, as energetic Mars opposes independent Uranus, bringing awareness of the polarities available if we dare to risk some of our resources and try something new. Be aware of limitations, letting caution guide your efforts, as to avoid accidents, arguments or upheaval. Change necessitates getting out of a rut, but it does not require making a new one.
Mercury’s trine to Neptune on Nov. 18th means that creativity and intuition flow easily. Make the most of this artistic or spiritual link-up to create a cushion of caring for your loved ones and/or any others in need this season. Acting as the opening act overnight for the Lunar Eclipse a couple of hours later, Venus, the archetype of love, cooperates with the rebel, Uranus, recognizing independence and the need for freedom, even within the context of relationship.
At 3:57am on November 19th, the Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse takes place at 27° 14’ of Taurus, the sign of Venus’ exaltation! This eclipse will be visible throughout the United States, Northern Europe, Eastern Asia, most of Australia and the Pacific Ocean. The Sun is of course in the opposite sign, Scorpio, and in the same degree as the Moon. This Earth and Water polarity in Fixed signs is a very important planetary occurrence, not only reflecting what is happening around the globe at this time as it relates to resources, but in what it reflects back to each one of us individually and what that says about our values and our spiritual growth.
The eclipse will last for 6 hours from start to finish. This only happens when the Moon is close to apogee, the furthest point from the Earth, therefore taking longer to pass through the earth’s shadow. These long-occurring eclipses don’t happen that often, the last one being on February 18, 1440, nearly 600 years ago, and the next one doesn’t happen until February 8, 2669. Taurus Full Moon being eclipsed by the Earth's shadow speaks to the importance of the times we are facing on our home planet.
What might we expect at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse? An awareness and consciousness of the need to creatively partner with the right resources and people for our spiritual and emotional growth. This includes overcoming conflicts that have held us back in the past… ie: letting go of destructive habits, relationships or situations that no longer serve us. For some this will mean stopping self-sabotaging behaviors and recognizing what others have to offer us. For others it may mean listening to our inner guidance about the next step to take to secure our financial well-being. In any case, it is about right-livelihood, trust and looking at the bigger picture. This involves leaving the past behind and moving forward with reliable support.
The Sabian Symbol for 28 degrees of Taurus is a “Woman past her ‘change of life’ experiences a new Love.” This symbol represents the ability to rise above both physical and social limitations. When this degree comes into our consciousness, it indicates that we should open our minds to the possibility of new beginnings. It also implies a more mature response to this experience. So how does this relate to the Scorpio Full Moon? Well, Scorpio is the sign of decay, death and rebirth and in that vein it represents transformation.
Eclipses bring the ending of things and the possibility of new doors opening. Eclipses also come in pairs, two weeks apart. The Solar Eclipse New Moon will be on December 4th at 2:43am EST. This eclipse energy at 12° 22’ of Sagittarius brings the fiery enthusiasm of forward thinking and expansion at the New Moon to combine with the deep passion of the Scorpio Eclipse to jumpstart our projects and move us towards our goals. Significance strides can be driven by this eclipse cycle over the next six months.