The Start of 2023

We came into the New Year under a long Mars retrograde cycle as well as a Mercury retrograde cycle. Mars has been traveling through the airy, communicative sign of Gemini since last August 21st, going retrograde on Oct. 30th, 2022 at 25° 37’ Gemini. That’s four and a half months of Mars actively pursuing negotiations, making plans and reaching out to connect with people, except that his efforts were turned into stirring the pot and put things on the back burner once he turned retrograde. It’s been a hurry-up-and-wait kind of situation for the last 11 weeks while Mars was held back from actually getting things started. That changed on Jan. 12, 2023 when the fiery planet of courage and initiative turned to Direct motion once more.

I mentioned Mercury is also in retrograde motion in the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, going Direct on January 18th. Since Mercury rules Gemini, it’s going to start feeling a lot like the floodgates are now open for organizing and following through on your plans, especially those that have to do with business or career goals.


Sun in Aquarius


Winter Solstice & Capricorn New Moon