Leo Full Moon

The Moon is Full at 17°Leo on Sunday, February 5th, reminding us to lighten up, enjoy ourselves and have some fun! The polarity of this Fixed Fire Moon is to the Sun in the Fixed Air sign Aquarius. Cold month, cold weather and warm hearts!

This is a great time to express your love to those who matter most in your life. The caution is not to be stuck in your mind with an exclusive version of what love means. Fixed signs can tend toward conditions... like, "if you loved me...", or "I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who...", instead of just opening the heart and expressing what is in it, allowing yourself to experience love and joy!

Here's a bit of exciting information - the planet most prominently configured with the Moon and Sun, in a T-Square aspect, is Uranus, the maverick archetype and bringer of sudden surprises. If you have been entertaining the thought of a new relationship, be informed that thoughts are vibrations and can bring you back what you sent out to the universe. This could be the breakthrough you've been wanting but never really expected! Keep your antennae up for Cupid's arrow finding it's way to your heart.

That said, it could be a different sort of relationship, unconventional, and without guidelines, maybe shocking even. Uranus is the Ruler of Aquarius whose vibrational energy is electric, outside the norm and exciting!

Be patient with others while maintaining some self discipline to curb any impulsivity now. Set your intention to give everyone the same right to express their individuality as you desire for yourself. Keeping an open mind may not be easy, but that's the challenge of this Full Moon.


Pisces New Moon


Aquarian New Moon