Aquarian New Moon
The Moon joins the Sun in Aquarius at 3:53pm today, January 21st, for the Aquarian New Moon, bringing together our innermost need for connection and our outer drive for independence and innovation. With both Mars and Mercury now out of their retrograde phases, all the planets in our Solar System are currently moving in direct motion, which gives us a four month time frame to move ahead with our plans towards reaching our goals.
In the chart for the New Moon, both "Lights"- the Sun and Moon, are making positive alignments with assertive Mars in Gemini and expansive Jupiter in Aries, making this an opportune time to go after what you want. That expression "fortune favors the bold" is never more true than it is now! Pay attention to your feelings and intuition while deciding what action to take when the Sun and Moon are aligned
All the research you've been doing since mid-October, while Mars did an about-face, ought to be put to use in your efforts to make progress. If you still feel the need to get more information, by all means do that before just jumping into something. Jupiter assists your efforts through like or education, maybe doing something a bit daring that takes you out of your comfort zone and excites you at the same time.
Finally, this Aquarius connection of the Sun and Moon takes place in the 7th house of partnerships, putting the focus on harmony and emotional support in your key relationships. The polarity between self and other(s), mirrors your ability to meet your needs, attract others who see that you know how to do that, as well as doing it for themselves. No neediness, just clarity of intention and shared ideas or goals.