Aquarius New Moon
The New Moon at 12° 20' Aquarius occurs just before 1am overnight, early Tuesday, February 1st. This is the start of possibilities for new connections that can help forge solid foundations What does that mean to you? Consider the nature of airy Aquarius, ruled by the ingenious planet Uranus. Air connects ideas through interactions with others, especially in scientific, technological and metaphysical realms.
The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, the Lord of Karma who operates through commitment, hard work and perseverance to build solid and long-lasting structures. Interestingly enough, Saturn is currently at home in Aquarius and sitting alongside the Sun and Moon adding great strength and determination to this New Moon.
Saturn is also being challenged by Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius. These two co-rulers in Fixed signs, have been at it for the past year, pitting tradition and upheaval with each in a way that is growing old. What they need to do is to find a creative way to work together and create something that functions better than the outdated models that only served certain interest groups.
I asked you above, what new possibilities and foundations you can envision. If you can accept that Saturn gives us boundaries and limitations that allow us to build within a framework containing security and focused on manifestation, and that Uranus offers the freedom to try new things while exploring different avenues of possibility, then perhaps you are ready to think outside of the box and work with this New Moon.
Take some time today to gather your thoughts and make a list of a few things you can do to initiate a brave new beginning. Your concerns and approach will vary depending on what it is you envision for the near future. Venus' attracting power and Mars' drive are aligned in Capricorn, so if your goals are career or business oriented, you have the fuel you need to work with Saturn. This is not an opportunity you want to bypass. Focus, imagination and determination will move you steadily in the direction you want to go.