Mercury Retrograde & A Cancer Full Moon

    Mercury came to a standstill at 10°19' Aquarius and turned retrograde on the 14th, continuing to move in apparent backwards motion until February 4th. During this retrograde phase, Mercury re-enters Capricorn on Jan. 26th and conjuncts Pluto at  for the second time on the 28th; the first time was December 30, 2021. Once in direct motion again, Mercury will make it's third and final alignment with Pluto on February 11th. 

   What does that all mean?! Well, we know Mercury is the archetype of the mind and Pluto the archetype of transformation, so when they come together, we have a strong desire to get to the bottom of things. Sometimes, that involves doing methodical research or asking probing questions. In Capricorn, it has to do with authority, business or career concerns. Utilize this next few weeks to scrutinize your plans, fill in the gaps and/or ask the hard questions before you set anything in stone.

   From a broader perspective, it has long been apparent that since Pluto entered Capricorn on January 27, 2008, traditional structures have been decaying worldwide. In the US, we have been dealing with issues around finance, housing and a breakdown in our system of democracy. The US is having it's Pluto return and the power grab for our Republic is in full swing!

   The Full Moon on the 17th of January at 27° 52' of Cancer, highlights the opposition of emotions and practicality, not just opposing the Sun in Capricorn, but intense Pluto as well. Conflicts can result in relationship issues, especially if there are hurt feelings. Resolution comes through flexibility and changing how we view the situation. 

   Neptune lends a helping hand with a compassionate approach to the Cancer(feeling) Moon. Being sensitive to the needs of everyone involved, and what they may be going through, can ease up on a potentially volatile situation. Creativity and intuition are useful tools at this Full Moon, giving you leeway to funnel your efforts into an artistic or spiritual direction. The Ascendant sign for this chart is Leo and Leo wants us to have some fun, or at least schedule some downtime or enjoyment into our lives.

   Doing what needs to be done, then making time for yourself is what Saturn in Aquarius, the ruler of Capricorn, is asking us to consider. There are want-tos and have-tos... take care of the have-tos first and the want-tos will come easy. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Aquarius New Moon


Capricorn New Moon