Cancer Full Moon

Happy New Year! The first Full Moon of the year takes place tonight at 6:08pm EST at 17°of Cancer, helping us tune into our emotions and needs for self-care. Cancer is the sign of home, hearth and family and as a Cardinal water sign, it's focus is on our nest and how we feather it. Some people are still seeking the best nest for themselves, while others are trying to balance out their desire for intimate relationship with their work responsibilities.

The Sun in Cardinal Earth, Capricorn, has a real drive towards career and wants to focus on attaining certain goals. But the primary concern here is how to balance out your personal and public personas. It's time to reflect on where your energies reside... is work consuming more than its' fair share of your time? How can you pay better attention to your family without compromising your job responsibilities?

While Cancer is emotionally based, the Moon here is also opposed to Mercury sitting alongside the Sun. The challenge is to either introduce your thoughts to your heart, OR... your feelings to your head. You are able to communicate more clearly your personal needs under this Full Moon. Try to do that when clear-headed, without any emotional subterfuge!

Sensitive Neptune interacts harmoniously with the Moon tonight for being in touch with your intuition. If you're feeling torn about a choice, or a decision, put it off until you can find some peace and quiet to sit and reflect calmly on what the right path is for you. This is an excellent aspect for creative and artistic, musical or spiritual work. A meditation can help ground and center the energy around your self-care needs.

Remember to keep your head in the stars, your heart open and your feet on the ground~


Aquarian New Moon


New Moon in Capricorn