Gemini Full Moon

The Sun in the last few degrees of Sagittarius on December 18th lends it’s light to the Moon opposing from 27° Gemini 29’ at 11:36pm. This Full Moon is the first one after the Eclipses and the last of 2021. Being under the rulership of Mercury, ruler of the Mutable Air sign Gemini, as well as ruler of the Virgo Ascendant in the Full Moon chart, there is a lot of emphasis on connecting with others, making this a good time for vital communication. As Mercury only interacts directly with revolutionary Uranus, thinking outside the box and trying a new approach may be the thing that captures the attention of another in any relationship disparity.

Wherever you have Gemini in your Birth chart is where you’ll experience the fullness of this Moon cycle. If it’s your Rising sign, your ability to interact with others is highlighted in the words you say, the thoughts you share or the behaviors you exhibit. The Full Moon in any of the Angular Houses, (1, 4, 7, 10) urges you to initiate conversation or interactions, while in Succedent Houses, (2, 5, 8, 11) you’ll find support with who or what gives you a sense of security and/or stability. In the Cadent Houses, (3, 6. 9, 12) the Full Moon experiences a need for adaptability.

Jupiter lends it’s generosity of spirit to both Lights, the Sun and Moon, adding insight to opportunity. If you’ve been experiencing a greater awareness of the need for healing, the time is now for going the extra distance and extending the virtual olive branch. You may have to take time out to meditate on the best path to follow at this time, as Neptune in Pisces increases the feelings but doesn’t show us a clear way forward at this juncture.

We only have 3 more days with the Sun still in Sagittarius, before the Winter Solstice and it’s move into Capricorn. There’s a pretty big shift in energies from Mutable Fire to Cardinal Earth, so before the solar king leaves this buoyant sign of optimism, truth and faith, take some time to write down your goals and where you need to be flexible in your planning. Then when the Sun enters Capricorn, you’ll be ready to act on practical matters having to do with your family, career or business matters.

In the meantime, look at the bigger picture, let your Light shine and spread Love and good cheer where needed! Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Jupiter Enters Pisces


Solar Eclipse New Moon