Jupiter Enters Pisces

The largest planet in our Solar system is Jupiter, 11 times bigger than the Earth. All the planets in our Solar System move through all 12 signs of the zodiac in their orbit around the Sun. It takes Jupiter about 12 Earth years to make a complete orbit of the Sun, spending one year in each sign. We've had a year of Jupiter exploring options in the Fixed Air sign Aquarius, expanding awareness, issues of technology and opportunities for new connections. Now Jupiter enters one of the signs he rules, Pisces, a Mutable Water sign which will deal with emotional issues having to do with immigrants, the homeless, drugs and alcohol abuse and the rising seas.

Jupiter's optimistic nature likes to look at the bigger picture through education or travel and to share whatever he gathers with others. It doesn't matter what Jupiter has his sights set on, he will pursue all the answers he can find, then, acting from a benevolent perspective, will generously bestow his optimism, laughter and knowledge. Sometimes he can overdo things, acting as if bigger is better or that there is no such thing as tmi (too much information). Jupiter rules the outgoing Fire sign Sagittarius and operates from the perspective that there is always enough, or more to be had, to do, or to seek.

In Pisces, there is no limit to Jupiterian compassion and understanding. Emotions flow freely and intuition floats in from the ethers. We can expect that the year ahead will bring lots of feelings to the surface. Perhaps you're ready to explore your spirituality, or take up a creative pursuit, yet not fully knowing which path to follow. Whatever you feel inspired by is the thing to follow. Some people will become more reflective and hermit-like. Others will feel overwhelmed and need to pull in to themselves in order to listen more clearly to their inner muse. That is the key to working with Jupiter's travels through Neptunian waters... getting quiet and listening.

The biggest realizations will be how we are all connected through our human emotions and just how small this planet actually is and how big our collective job of saving it is becoming. If you haven't already begun, the time to start caring and to take action is now. Us and them is on the way out... we're all in the same boat, so we had better stop being distracted by selfish egos and start rowing in the same direction. Oh... and while you're navigating these waters, remember to keep your head in the stars and to put one foot in front of the other as you carefully walk on Mother Earth.


Capricorn New Moon


Gemini Full Moon