Aquarius New Moon
The second New Moon of 2024 takes place tonight at 5:59pm EST @ 20°Aquarius. Aquarius is known for the unexpected, thinking outside the box and radical departures from the status quo. Genius, invention and intuition are hallmarks of this Fixed Air sign, as well as the less-beloved traits of sudden changes, rebelliousness and instability.
The Sun and Moon are of course in a conjunction, and both are squaring off with the revolutionary planet Uranus, ruler of Aquarius. People may be feeling very impulsive and when pushed, can exhibit erratic behaviors or sudden reversals. When the pressure is on, stubbornness kicks in.
Venus makes a harmonious aspect with Uranus, allowing for freedom of thought and intellectual stimulation, especially on topics having to do with personal freedoms, science and technology. Of course, astrology and air travel fall under this planet's rulership. Look to where Uranus is transiting in your chart to see where you can get out of a rut and experience a whole new way of doing things.
The Aquarius New Moon is also about friendships, groups, and organizations. If you've been feeling like your life is a bit hum-drum or stale, perhaps this is the time to step outside your comfort zone and try something different. Maybe you join a humanitarian organization, or take up a new pastime, or reach out to develop a liberating friendship.
Times are tough and the future is unknown, but if you stay grounded and look to the stars, you may just find an exciting pathway evolving!