Virgo Full Moon February 2024
The Moon at 6°Virgo, opposes the Sun in the 6th°of Pisces on Saturday, February 24th at 7:30am. This is the polarity of serving or suffering, with a choice of healing our wounds or trying to escape from them. The Moon is also opposite Mercury in Pisces, so the challenge here is to find a way to honor emotional needs while listening to your intuition.
Virgo holds the key of discernment and wants you to ask yourself, "how important is this, or how do I make room in my life for growth?" There's a need for focus but avoid perfectionism as you negotiate with yourself a path to wholeness. The Sun in Pisces wants you to go with the flow and pay attention to your dreams, meditations and inner knowing.
The Piscean Sun is not alone in this polarity, it sits between Venus and Saturn in the 12th House of the Full Moon chart. Self-discipline is the antidote for fear of the unknown. Just do something to create a stepping stone for your healing. It may be that you feel ready but don't know what steps to take or what the future holds. Let Venus' caring and compassion help guide you through this somewhat uncertain territory.
There's a need for self-reflection and trust just now. Do your best and allow others to take care of themselves, while you take care of yourself. Loved ones will notice your responsible attitude towards self-care in your daily regime and will respect you for your efforts.
As you contemplate your path to wellness, remember to put one foot in front of the other and notice all the little things you have done that brought you to this point.