Leo Full Moon February 2025

Tomorrow's Full Moon takes place at 8:53 am EDT, highlighting the gifts you have to share with others. If you've been working hard and playing fair, then it's time to step up and show others what you have to offer. If you have willfully withheld your talents in an effort to call all the shots, it's time to consider what could come out of having the input of others in your quest to follow your bliss.

Mercury is also conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, strengthening your ability to communicate your ideas and brainstorm with clarity and purpose. If you haven't already found your group, this is a great time to get out and socialize, make new acquaintances and maybe begin a lasting friendship. Let your curiosity about an interesting pastime, a course of study or a new artistic, technological or metaphysical subject show you something that can inform and excite you.

A few hours after the Moon opposes the Sun, it will cease activity in the sign of Leo and travel void-of-course until entering Virgo at 8:07pm. Mercury, as ruler of Virgo, will help you be discerning about your plans and need for scheduling given your new interest(s) over the next two days. Mercury leaves intellectual Aquarius early on Friday morning and enters intuitive Pisces. This allows the mind to flow in creative ways, daydream and imagine the path to your goal.

Recognize your talents and abilities and allow your creativity to roar. Laugh and have fun with your inner child and your friends, and remember, it takes courage to be yourself, so keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground and have fun!


Aquarius New Moon 2025