Lunar Eclipse Full Moon
Tomorrow's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4:23pm, activates the 6th degree of Taurus, with a Sabian Symbol of Cantilever bridge across a deep gorge. Naturally it opposes the Sun at 6°Scorpio, whose Sabian Symbol is The Gold Rush tears men away from their native soil. These two images pretty much sum up my thoughts on this powerful Full Moon.
We've had a lot of Fixed Earth/Water oppositions in the last year and a half between these two signs; especially poignant was the 18 month long polarity of the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio. Now, this eclipse brings into focus our self-worth, values and our commitments. Earthy Taurus is about more than money and stability, it's the sign that shows our values and how we can show up for those we love. Scorpio, the deepest Water sign of the zodiac, dredges up old entanglements to let go of, while building more creative and supportive alliances.
The Moon is very much at home in Taurus, yet fears change, particularly during uncertain times, such as we find the world in now. Venus, as ruler of Taurus is sitting in Virgo, asking us to choose wisely when it comes to dealing with everyday situations. Mars, co-ruler of Scorpio, along with transformative Pluto, is adding to the impulse to make something happen, to jump into the fray unafraid, or to set something in motion that feeds the frenzy of pushing forward just to be doing something!
It's going to take a calm Venusian ability to attract the help of others in building bridges, all the while remembering that people are scared and hurt and may be far from home, out-of-their-league, searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No-one can do any of this alone and that is why we need to avoid impulsiveness and magical thinking. Know who your people are and let them know how much you care for and cherish them and have their backs.
Remember to keep your head in the sky and your feet on the ground.