Pisces New Moon 2024
The Pisces New Moon on March 10th holds us in Neptune's watery embrace, gently rocking us to and fro. Intuition and imagination are strong now and dreams pull us back into foggy realms. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, bridging the gap between Aquarian insight and Arian assertion. How do we navigate unknown territory and yet be prepared for a new start?
The most prudent way is to slow down and listen to the messages coming from our higher selves. This isn't the time for action even though Mercury will have just entered Aries to give us a bit more information about what we're getting into. That will come at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in April. For now, do your inner work, stay centered in the present and find as much inner peace as possible.
With Saturn and Neptune remaining in Pisces for a couple more years, it is time to go within, clean out the cobwebs and trust that the path will be made clear when we are ready. And while tuning into the more subtle frequencies emanating from our subconscious connections to spirit, perhaps we can let go of past divisions and begin to really understand just how connected we all are on this watery blue marble floating in space.
The caution now is to avoid escaping down the rabbit hole of illusion through fantasy realms, pipe dreams, or alcoholic hazes as a means of avoiding reality. We live in strange times already and to keep from making things any weirder, we need to be as clear-headed as possible.
So dream your dreams, release the ones you no longer want to pursue and envision the ones that will bring you a more meaningful life filled with joy and purpose. Work on trusting yourself because if you can't imagine a better future, how will you create it?
The changes that this Piscean navigation is leading us through will bring an enlightening transformation if we just allow it. Head in the stars, feet on something solid and paddle gently.