Solar Eclipse New Moon
Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries Monday, April 8th, 2024
The much-anticipated Solar Eclipse begins at the New Moon alignment of Sun and Moon tomorrow afternoon at 2:21pm EDT. This blocking of the Sun's light by the Moon's passage between it and the Earth symbolizes going within to find our own inner Light. The fact that both bodies are transiting the 20th° of the Cardinal Fire sign Aries is a major boost to our personal energy, our life force and how we use it, as well as our homes, our key relationships, and our public personas.
That about covers everything, doesn't it?!
Knowing where 20° Aries falls in your Natal chart - what House it's in, and what other planetary bodies it contacts will show you where you can make a new beginning in your life. Aries focuses on the self, yet it's polar opposite sign is Libra, the "other". That is why this New Moon so affects your primary relationships. Because the Sun and Moon in Aries can also interact with planets in the other Cardinal signs having to do with home and family (Cancer), and career or business (Capricorn), you can make significant progress toward your endeavors in those areas as well.
The highlight of this New Moon is the exact conjunction of both Lights, Sun and Moon, with Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer. Chiron is a centaur body that orbits between Saturn and Uranus, forming a bridge of sorts to connect the structure and limits of Saturn with the independence and personal freedom of Uranus. Healing is possible when we acknowledge our tendencies to resist change in the face of our need for getting out of a rut or breaking bonds of confinement.
The Moon's own Nodes are also on the Aries/Libra axis and aligned with the New Moon in Aries, hence an eclipse. That's what makes this such a powerful time of rebirth! It is truly time to express yourself and let go of former inhibitions as well as the habit patterns that have kept you focused on meeting others' needs and not your own. The eclipse energy can jump start your personal growth and bring you significant benefits in about 6 months, if you're willing and able to work with it now.
Mercury, as the Messenger of the Gods, and also in Aries, is slightly ahead of Chiron, Sun and Moon, showing a new pathway for communication and interaction. A gently reminder here... Mercury is in it's retrograde phase throughout most of April, underscoring the necessity of patience and reviewing our listening abilities before speaking too quickly. The best course of action now is to review and adjust our communication skills where necessary. When it comes to negotiations, business dealings or signing contracts, I'd suggest doing your homework and waiting until after Mercury goes Direct, on April 25th.
In the meantime - post eclipse, look at what steps (feet on the ground) you can begin to take
for heading in a higher direction (head in the stars) of personal and public renewal, growth and success!
Best of luck~