Jupiter & Uranus Join Together in Taurus

We've been feeling the energy of this powerful union of possibility and change for weeks now, and here it is! Exact at 10:27pm tonight, expansive Jupiter and independent Uranus align at 22° Taurus. This combination in fixed Earth can be the birth place of ingenuity or rebelliousness, opportunity or overdoing.

Taurus is an Earth sign and holds the resources and hidden treasures that provide stability and security. Jupiter represents expansion and growth, not always beneficial, while Uranus represents a lightning bolt of unknown and sudden changes. What will these two planetary energies bring to light as they align?

On the positive side, I envision individuals having moments of profound knowing and the possibilities unearthed within themselves as they discover hidden talents of integrity, virtue and courage. Science, technology and medicine are particular areas for new discovery. Conversely, zealous behavior and over-the-top rebelliousness can lead to upheaval and destruction.

This alignment reminds me of the Tower card in the Tarot, where lightning strikes a monument or structure and the world that has been built crumbles to the ground. The only choice then is to see what is left to build a new foundation on, this time with foresight and wisdom for the future.

Change is inevitable, yet how we react to sudden shifts in our daily lives is a choice that we get to make. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Gemini New Moon


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