Sun Enters Virgo

It's that transitional time of summer - today, when the Sun leaves fun-loving Leo and moves into the fastidious Earth sign Virgo. Families pack up their vacation stays and get the kids ready to go back to school soon. (Insert groans...) Virgo is an adaptable sign ruled by Mercury, which happens to be in Virgo now and turning retrograde today.

Everything comes down to paying attention and staying in the moment to be both efficient and productive, thereby effectively reaching your goals. The details matter and Virgo season is when we can focus on what needs to be weeded out or what skills need polishing. It takes a lot of self-reflection, honesty and discernment to make adjustments and get ready for eventual new beginnings.

As we already know, Mercury retrograde can be a frustrating time of missed connections, equipment failures and communication snafus. How we deal with the Virgo territory in our individual charts is up to us. What do we want to change and how do we want to go about it? This is where we need to be real about what isn't of service any longer in our daily lives. And we have the next three and a half weeks to do our research on what to change.

Mercury wants us to slow down and listen to ourselves. The vitality of the Sun moving through Mercury's territory for the next month puts a spotlight on our inner strengths and skills. It's time to let your organizational and planning abilities shine.

So while you're wrapping your mind around the details, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


Fall Equinox


Sun into Aries