Taurus Full Moon

The Moon is Full in Taurus this afternoon at 25° of this Fixed Earth sign, opposing the Sun at 25° of the Fixed Water sign Scorpio. This is the polarity of seeking harmony through chaos by focusing on the bigger picture and working together with our physical, emotional and spiritual resources.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon degree is "A Large Well-kept Park" symbolizing the need to maintain the peace and beauty of the public spaces we incorporate in our daily lives. It implies a large place of things rightfully placed for everyone to move around in and being part of a bigger whole where we can co-create beneficial outcomes for our communities, our countries and the world.

This Moon sits right next to revolutionary and surprising Uranus, the archetype of personal freedom, reversals and the unknown! Keep in mind that the Moon is a changeable energy as well and yet it's current mission is to keep things simple, enjoy the daily blessings in our lives and not overreact to what we cannot control. Events and situations are shifting daily and our focus ought to be on maintaining an even keel.

As the ruler of Taurus, and this Full Moon chart, Venus in Capricorn has a duty to build lasting relationships with people of integrity and purpose. Others are attracted to this Earth Goddess energy and will feel a similar need for stability and security. Venus sits exactly square to the Moon's Nodes in Aries/Libra bringing tension to our choices of who to align with for the greater good. Let your conscience be your guide.

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, asking yourself how can I be a beacon of Light in the world?


Sagittarius New Moon Dec. 1, 2024


Scorpio New Moon Nov. 2024