Sagittarius New Moon Dec. 1, 2024

The Sagittarius New Moon culminates at 1:21 am EST very early on Sunday, December 1st, in the 10th degree of this fiery ninth sign of the Zodiac, setting the stage for a Lunar month of seeking to expand our horizons and find the truth of things through education, travel and taking a broader view of life.

The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, enhancing our drive to learn more and follow our passions. Opportunities could show up in the form of a new course of interest, an inspiring teacher, a trip to an intriguing country, or even exploring ethnic cooking. Just avoid trying to do everything all at once... a common Sagittarian trait! Joy and optimism are primary attributes of this New Moon cycle.

The Sun/Moon conjunction is focused on the future and moving directly to the desired outcome and maybe you'll feel ready to forge ahead but Saturn in Pisces is slowing things down by sitting at a 90°angle to this New Moon. The wisest course of action now is to slow down and take stock of anyone or any situation around you that will be affected by your actions.

Something to keep in mind is Mercury's retrograde motion, which started on Nov. 25th and doesn't return to direct motion until Dec. 15th at the Full Moon. Mercury's shadow phase runs from Nov. 18th through Dec. 31st. So, while the planet of communication, negotiation, marketing and agreements is also in Sagittarius it opposes giant Jupiter in the opposite sign Gemini. Looking at the bigger picture while maintaining necessary daily activity is the challenge of this phase. This is the 2nd of 3 times these two planets in each others signs are going to be in opposition. The first time was November 18th and the 3rd will be on Dec.26th. Where is this opposition taking place in your Natal chart and what do you need to pay attention to while doing due diligence in your research efforts?

Remember while gazing longingly at the stars above and dreaming about where you can go, maintaining your connection to Mother Earth will help keep you grounded. Sagittarius rules the hips, so get out and walk!


Gemini Full Moon Dec. 15, 2024


Taurus Full Moon