Gemini New Moon

The New Moon takes place overnight at 17° of the Mutable Air sign Gemini. The esoteric, or soul-centered ruler of Gemini is the planet Venus and the exoteric, or ruler of the personality, is Mercury. Venus is at the same degree as the Sun and Moon at this lunation, and Mercury is trailing not far behind at 7°of Gemini. The inner and outer energies are indeed aligned for communicating and interacting with love.

Gemini falls under the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, whereas Venus is a 5th Ray energy of the Lower Mind, Science and Technology, and Mercury is a 4th Ray energy of Harmony through Conflict. Even if you know nothing about Esoteric Astrology, if you will take a little time to reflect on this New Moon in Gemini, surely you will come to understand that love and harmony are possible in the current lunar phase.

Venus also aligns harmoniously with the South Node in Libra, bridging focus to important relationships. Whether you meet someone new or want to mend fences with an established partner, it would behoove you to pay attention to the opportunities available now.

Sometimes we can't say what is in our hearts or minds, but we could try writing our feelings down. Perhaps we share what we write with the other person, or maybe it isn't time and it's just a helpful release for us personally. Gemini is more than words or thoughts, it expresses through interactions on many levels. You know the saying, "actions speak louder than words", well a kind gesture can go a long way too.

As you contemplate this New Moon remember that we are here to share love, not just to keep it for ourselves, as you consider the clouds in the sky and step lightly over the ground.


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