VIRGO New Moon September 1, 2024/Choose wisely~

The Virgo New Moon takes place Monday at 9:56pm at 12°s of this mutable Earth sign. We have left behind the the Leo phase of strong opinions, self-expression and drama and have entered Virgo's time of service, organization and discernment. The Sun entered Virgo on August 22nd, 4 days after the Aquarius Full Moon. You might want to reread the F.M. post I wrote for a helpful segue into this new phase.

Once the Moon has joined the Sun we can focus on everyday details and take more efficient steps to achieving effective growth in the direction we want to head. Virgo notices all the details and can see the faulty places that need correcting. Sometimes this energy comes across as criticism, when in fact it's there to remove the chaff from the wheat. The New Moon opposes Saturn (authority/responsibility) in Pisces, promoting acknowledgement and acceptance of alternative points of view and understanding of those who are suffering. The question we each need to ask is, what is my role in the healing process?

Virgo natives want to be of service and help heal bodies through eating nutritious foods without pesticides or added preservatives. The Earth is a living breathing organism that also needs healing from pollution and other environmental stressors which lead to the outrageous climate changes we are now experiencing.

Uranus in Taurus is turning stationary retrograde as I write this and the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions I wrote about at the last Full Moon are likely to add to greater upheaval. I am sorry to say that retrograde Pluto will slip back into the last degree of Capricorn for more patriarchal power and control issues until it finally turns direct and re-enters Aquarius in mid November, moving towards a reboot and shifting of world order. These outer planets take their time with big shifts, so be patient.

Remember, it's more important than ever to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


Lunar Eclipse Pisces Full Moon


Aquarius Full Moon 2024