Capricorn New Moon
Welcome to the New Year and a New Moon in Capricorn! The Sun and Moon meet at 12° Capricorn 20' in the 8th House of the chart for the New Moon at 1:33pm EST, putting emphasis on the need for pragmatism and responsibility, especially in matters of joint resources, creative projects and financial ventures. Because this is the start of the year, whatever you want to accomplish begins here... now... so if you haven't already done it, today would be a good time to write your Capricorn New Moon Wish list. Take some time organizing your thoughts, then write down 5 to 10 practical steps for the year ahead that you can start to take beginning after the New Moon.
This is the time to focus on what you want to achieve whether personally or professionally. It may involve some kind of legacy related to your parents that you are tasked with managing or sharing with the world. You may be thinking of your own legacy and what you want to leave for future generations. Whatever you are serious about achieving for yourself, you want to work on building the foundation now. With the Sun, Venus and Pluto all in hard-working Capricorn, be specific as well as concise.
Mercury moves into Aquarius today as well, so use all the technological resources and connections available to brainstorm and gather new information. A trine aspect from the Sun and Moon to independent Uranus in Taurus lends a helping hand as it asks you to work with your unique ideas, while giving you the freedom to envision your future in a new and exciting way. Use this opportunity to think outside the box and structure steps to creating your individual reality, the one that reflects what you want to see. Hope is on the horizon.
Venus is retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th and even after she turns direct, she'll be retracing her steps right through to the beginning of March. This is a time of asking the important questions around money matters and making adjustments to your budget as necessary. But Venus also rules love, so this is an ideal time to focus on what is needed in your personal relationships. If there's an imbalance of harmony or issues of power and control, these two months are devoted to finding some resolution. If another party isn't willing to do their work to meet you partway, then this may the point of parting ways.
Jupiter Enters Pisces
The largest planet in our Solar system is Jupiter, 11 times bigger than the Earth. All the planets in our Solar System move through all 12 signs of the zodiac in their orbit around the Sun. It takes Jupiter about 12 Earth years to make a complete orbit of the Sun, spending one year in each sign. We've had a year of Jupiter exploring options in the Fixed Air sign Aquarius, expanding awareness, issues of technology and opportunities for new connections. Now Jupiter enters one of the signs he rules, Pisces, a Mutable Water sign which will deal with emotional issues having to do with immigrants, the homeless, drugs and alcohol abuse and the rising seas.
Jupiter's optimistic nature likes to look at the bigger picture through education or travel and to share whatever he gathers with others. It doesn't matter what Jupiter has his sights set on, he will pursue all the answers he can find, then, acting from a benevolent perspective, will generously bestow his optimism, laughter and knowledge. Sometimes he can overdo things, acting as if bigger is better or that there is no such thing as tmi (too much information). Jupiter rules the outgoing Fire sign Sagittarius and operates from the perspective that there is always enough, or more to be had, to do, or to seek.
In Pisces, there is no limit to Jupiterian compassion and understanding. Emotions flow freely and intuition floats in from the ethers. We can expect that the year ahead will bring lots of feelings to the surface. Perhaps you're ready to explore your spirituality, or take up a creative pursuit, yet not fully knowing which path to follow. Whatever you feel inspired by is the thing to follow. Some people will become more reflective and hermit-like. Others will feel overwhelmed and need to pull in to themselves in order to listen more clearly to their inner muse. That is the key to working with Jupiter's travels through Neptunian waters... getting quiet and listening.
The biggest realizations will be how we are all connected through our human emotions and just how small this planet actually is and how big our collective job of saving it is becoming. If you haven't already begun, the time to start caring and to take action is now. Us and them is on the way out... we're all in the same boat, so we had better stop being distracted by selfish egos and start rowing in the same direction. Oh... and while you're navigating these waters, remember to keep your head in the stars and to put one foot in front of the other as you carefully walk on Mother Earth.
Gemini Full Moon
The Sun in the last few degrees of Sagittarius on December 18th lends it’s light to the Moon opposing from 27° Gemini 29’ at 11:36pm. This Full Moon is the first one after the Eclipses and the last of 2021. Being under the rulership of Mercury, ruler of the Mutable Air sign Gemini, as well as ruler of the Virgo Ascendant in the Full Moon chart, there is a lot of emphasis on connecting with others, making this a good time for vital communication. As Mercury only interacts directly with revolutionary Uranus, thinking outside the box and trying a new approach may be the thing that captures the attention of another in any relationship disparity.
Wherever you have Gemini in your Birth chart is where you’ll experience the fullness of this Moon cycle. If it’s your Rising sign, your ability to interact with others is highlighted in the words you say, the thoughts you share or the behaviors you exhibit. The Full Moon in any of the Angular Houses, (1, 4, 7, 10) urges you to initiate conversation or interactions, while in Succedent Houses, (2, 5, 8, 11) you’ll find support with who or what gives you a sense of security and/or stability. In the Cadent Houses, (3, 6. 9, 12) the Full Moon experiences a need for adaptability.
Jupiter lends it’s generosity of spirit to both Lights, the Sun and Moon, adding insight to opportunity. If you’ve been experiencing a greater awareness of the need for healing, the time is now for going the extra distance and extending the virtual olive branch. You may have to take time out to meditate on the best path to follow at this time, as Neptune in Pisces increases the feelings but doesn’t show us a clear way forward at this juncture.
We only have 3 more days with the Sun still in Sagittarius, before the Winter Solstice and it’s move into Capricorn. There’s a pretty big shift in energies from Mutable Fire to Cardinal Earth, so before the solar king leaves this buoyant sign of optimism, truth and faith, take some time to write down your goals and where you need to be flexible in your planning. Then when the Sun enters Capricorn, you’ll be ready to act on practical matters having to do with your family, career or business matters.
In the meantime, look at the bigger picture, let your Light shine and spread Love and good cheer where needed! Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.
Solar Eclipse New Moon
The Solar Eclipse New Moon takes place December 4th at 2:43am EST. This eclipse energy at 12° 22’ of Sagittarius brings the fiery enthusiasm of forward thinking and expansion at the New Moon, adding to the deep passion of the Scorpio Eclipse of two weeks ago. This new beginning will jumpstart our projects and move us towards our goals. Significant strides can be made when driven by this eclipse cycle over the next six months.
Sagittarian energy is optimistic and future oriented. Make sure you aren’t carrying any old baggage with you that could impede your progress moving ahead. Let go of what you have no control over, like others’ attitudes and opinions of what you’re doing or how you’re living and instead, focus on the steps you’re taking to improve your life while starting to see that sliver of light at the end of the tunnel. Energy follows thought, so filter out the useless, negative ones and practice being more positive with what you actually want to create.
Eclipses have a powerful affect when we use their energies consciously. The chart for this New Moon Solar Eclipse shows a need for balance when working with others. Having peace and harmony, or just more space in your home or work area is crucial. Maybe, like me, you need to tidy up and clear out the unnecessary paperwork, or perhaps you want to create a private sanctuary in your shared home. Whatever your goals, this is an opportune time to take steps to manifest what you are envisioning. Be clear, be assertive and cooperative with others and watch your plans unfold!
Scorpio New Moon
The New Moon culminates when it joins the Sun at 12° 40’ of Scorpio on November 4th. This Fixed Water sign shores up well when in touch with both feelings and intentions as happens at the New Moon. Given that this lunation is in the 7th House of relationships, and that its’ ruler Mars is in the drivers seat in Scorpio as well, it is important to direct your energy into a productive approach to any new projects or partnerships. In order to move forward, it is necessary to release any past hinderances to growth.
The closest and most significant aspect this Moon makes is an opposition to rebellious Uranus. A combination of impulsive behavior, and intense feelings creates conflict between radical thinking and shifting emotions. Combine that with squares from both sides to Saturn in Aquarius and we have a T-Square that can act like either a restraint providing self-discipline, or a catalyst for compromise. Uranus represents a change of mind to emerging awareness of deep-seated resentment or anger that needs to be released in order for a change of mind. Saturn provides stability for a new approach to productive partnerships.
Venus as ruler of the Taurus ascendant for this New Moon chart makes a very supportive aspect to communicative Mercury for harmonious associations and compromise, much needed attributes at this time. Going forward, Venus enters Earthy Capricorn on the 6th where she will spend 4 months, retrograding and moving forward to make responsible financial commitments and form serious relationships. Pay attention to where your money goes and how you can conserve resources for the near future.
The supporting role provided by Neptune in Pisces to the Scorpio New Moon increases compassion and sensitivity, enhancing intuition and creativity. Listening to our inner muse about what our next steps ought to be, brings awareness of the subconscious spiritual thread winding through these water signs. Neptune reflects a going-with-the-flow approach to what is going on around us and learning to trust our intuitive side to recognize important signposts when they appear. Another insight of the Neptunian archetype is the realization that we are all connected on this blue-green marble floating in space and it’s time to use our creative imaginations to find workable solutions to the issues we face involving the rising seas, worsening storms, heightened temperatures and polluted water and air.
Who can you partner with to make a difference? How can you use all your resources more responsibly and productively? The time is now to figure it out and begin!
Aries Full Moon
Full Moon in Aries Oct. 20, 2021 @ 10:56am EDT
The Aries Full Moon opposing the Sun in Libra reflects the balance of our awareness of others and our need for inner development. Our subconscious recognizes that it isn't separate from the world because it sees its' reflection in our relationships. This Cardinal polarity speaks to the ultimate yin and yang of self/Aries and other/Libra.
Aries is all about self-determination, drive and assertion. Its' ruler, Mars goes after what he desires, but Mars is also in Libra beside the Sun and has to moderate his thoughts and actions, while trying to play fair, or at least take others into consideration. Libra is Venus' territory and she is currently traveling through Sagittarius, where she would enjoy an adventurous partner, as long as it is one who is honest and understands fair play.
This Full Moon polarity is reminding us to put our efforts into finding balance and equity. So, the question for us individually is... "how can I make a difference in my surroundings and with my loved ones?" It is seeking after harmony and fairness, that allows both sides to feel they have been heard and have something to gain. Striving to do the right thing and in the best interest of all involved is the opportunity and challenge of this Full Moon.
The Sun, Moon and Mars are all squaring Pluto, the planetary archetype of decay, death and rebirth. Intense emotions, impulsiveness and a predilection for confrontation with powerful forces will unfortunately highlight this Full Moon. Do your best to avoid arguments, stay out of power struggles and avoid dangerous situations for the next couple of days. Channel your pent up frustrations into creating something beautiful or finishing up that project that is begging to be completed.
And remember everything can't be finished in one day, and it is helpful to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.
Libra New Moon
Libra New Moon
The Libra New Moon on Oct. 6th brings an emphasis to relationships and balance. The Moon reflects our subconscious awareness of what we need in order to find the most inner peace, while the current solar energy is focused on moderating our interactions with each other and the environment surrounding us. This is how the marriage of the inner and outer work together at the Libra New Moon.
However, there are several planetary aspects to this alignment of the Sun and Moon that will alternately support and challenge the harmony needed during this soli/lunar dance at the halfway point through the Zodiac. The most notable is Mars conjunct the Sun and Moon at exactly 13 degrees of Libra. On the one hand, this can be a needed push to work hard and resolve something, yet Mars can also bring his impulsive take-charge energy in to add emotional angst without thinking.
Communicative Mercury, retrograde in Libra, is still within reach of all three and would like some thought-provoking discussion about how to view what's going on. The key here is listening as well as talking. With the Martian assertion to get one's point across it's wise to consider hearing the other point of view. It's a balancing act after all... all things in moderation.
A so-called minor aspect between Libra Moon and maverick Uranus, the two most changeable dynamics in the planetary pantheon of archetypes, has us off-balance due to situations out of our control. Excitability is high and adjustments have to be made. We have to cope with change that is created by unusual events and it may take a unique approach to find some stabilization. Stepping out of our comfort zones and finding a compromise is necessary to achieve harmony. As above, so below... as within so without~
Pisces Full Moon
Welcome to the final Full Moon of the summer, otherwise known as the Harvest Moon, which is exact tonight at 7:54pm EST. There are so many rewards to reap from our island gardens, as well as beach plums and wild grapes to harvest and fish to be reeled ashore here on this little spit of sand, which I am blessed to call my home, 30 miles out to sea. Nostalgia is strong under a Pisces Moon as I remember foraging trips with my parents, seeking out the islands’ bounty, berry-picking, crabbing for blue claws and fishing the local ponds as well as casting off the beach. There is so much to be grateful for as I stir the beach plum jelly and inhale its’ delicious aroma, I almost don’t regret summer coming to a close. There is this delightful harvest moon after all, and Neil Young…
Pisces Moon sits alongside Neptune, king of the ocean, asking us to be aware of the flow of the ocean and our emotions, as it opposes the Sun in Virgo. Neptune enhances the possibilities of loosening our boundaries when it comes to careful consideration of what we’re ingesting, thereby increasing opportunities for allergic reactions to what we’re eating, drinking. or processing through our thoughts. I think the expression, “loose lips sink ships” may have come from such a lapse in self-indulgence or filtering. On the other hand, we are instilled with compassion and caring for others, with an underlying knowledge that we are all connected. This Virgo/Pisces polarity reminds asks us where we can be of service and how we can heal ourselves and others.
Just as the Moon joins Neptune, so too does Mars align with the Sun. And yet, Mars has jumped into Libra a few days ahead of the Sun, forging his own agenda to right the scales of balance. While Mars has no problem asserting himself, he does need to be aware of others while moving through Libra. The Sun in Virgo, until Wednesday afternoon, will ask him to observe the boundaries while putting his energy to good use. Then at the Equinox on the 22nd, the Sun steps into Libra to maintain balance and try to achieve some harmony. With so much polarization and conflict in the world, this Full Moon is a good reminder of letting go of comparisons that work to separate and divide us and instead to identify with the feelings of others, feelings we can all relate to.
Remember while navigating the sometimes tricky shoreline of reality and security to keep your heart open, your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~
Virgo New Moon
Would you be surprised if I told you that tonight's Virgo Moon is unusual? There is an exact trine between the Sun and Moon conjunction at 14 degrees of Virgo and rebellious Uranus at 14 degrees of Taurus. Both are Earth signs but with different modes of operating. Virgo takes in information and organizes their space or environment into some workable schedule or format, while Taurus hangs onto and stores resources, only releasing their hold on things when it is absolutely imperative to do so.
The New Moon in Virgo culminates at 8:51pm EDT, bringing the energies of inner focus and outer discernment together, setting the pace for the lunar month ahead. Virgo asks us to make healthy or useful choices that affect our day-to-day living. What we decide is based on many factors that mostly have to do with our individual skill sets and abilities. Decide we must, in order to stop roiling around in a soup of indecision! (roiling is a word, look it up if you don't know the meaning; it will clarify my use of it.)
Now, the interaction of Uranus in Taurus has to do with sudden flashes of insight into our own worth, values or use of resources. That insight can come from situations, events or people that show up seemingly out of the blue, like a bolt of lightning splitting open the earth or our awareness. Harmony through conflict is the purpose of this trine to the New Moon. How will we decide to use the resources within ourselves to be of some service on the planet? What new awareness has awoken our need to do something to heal ourselves and Mother Earth?
Try to go with the flow and make small changes in your day that are more manageable than trying to do everything at once. Assertive Mars in Virgo interacts with expansive Jupiter in Aquarius throwing a bit of a monkey wrench into our day and asking us to adjust to the many different directions we're being pulled into. Be willing to try new approaches to unusual circumstances or people, which could also bring delightful surprises while we try to incorporate them into our life.
Personal or financial desires can be triggered by a Venus in Libra square to Pluto in Capricorn. What do you really want... is your shadow side asking to be included in your restructuring process? It would be wise to use moderation in all pursuits of gratification at this time. Another consideration that starts today and carries us forward, is the Neptune opposition in Pisces to the Virgo New Moon. Remember that it is okay to set some limits for yourself and take a time out away from others. You can still be compassionate and find a way to be in harmony with what is.
While juggling these many considerations in your decision making, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~
Aquarius Full Moon, Part Deux
2nd Aquarius Full Moon of August
Once in a Blue Moon... that's what we call it when there's a second Full Moon in the same zodiac sign. The Full Moon culminates at 8:02am on Sunday, August 22nd and is an even more auspicious Moon because it sits at 29° Aquarius, the anaretic degree. What does this mean astrologically? It's the final degree of the sign and implies an urgent need for understanding what it took to set the stage for current upheavals and the acknowledgement of what needs to be released at this time before entering the next lunar phase.
The ruler of Aquarius is the revolutionary planet Uranus, which turns retrograde tonight, the 19th, and is drawing a lot of attention through sudden changes and not-so-surprising news about events and potential outcomes springing up all over the globe. Uranus is the archetype of the rebel, the maverick who acts out and says or does the thing no-one else dares to. He also brings the sudden awareness and insights we have to have in order to turn things around when situations are out of control.
Three current examples are extreme weather events due to global warming, yet another devastating earthquake in Haiti and the departure of US troops from Afghanistan with the ensuing return of the Taliban. I have no answers for possible solutions to these dreadful realities. With Uranus turning retrograde today, I wonder where we stand and will things ever calm down?! Will we be able to do the Aquarian thing and pull together collectively to make a difference or will we continue to plod along in the same direction we always have?
A Full Moon is inherent on the opposition of the Sun which lies at the last degree of Leo on Sunday morning. Leo is Fixed Fire, symbolizing passion and will, while Aquarius is Fixed Air and the hard, cold clarity of logic and reasoning. Seeing both sides clearly calls for raising our conscious awareness to a higher perspective and moving away from personality-driven incentives.
There are always compelling arguments in any debate over what to do next when faced with challenges. There is always the need for reform in any government or global initiative... and there is always the need for individuals to do the next right thing and make a difference where they are.
Part of the astrologer's job is to point out these pivotal signposts and offer a timeline. Uranus has been in the Earth sign Taurus since 2008, he will remain there until 2026. Like the Tower card in the Tarot, it is affecting our planet, the Earth, as a bolt of lightning striking out of the blue and turning the structure of our world upside down. As Uranus enters his yearly retrograde phase tonight into January 2022, we can find ourselves moving in unexpected directions. Whenever the dust settles, we pick up the pieces and start anew in our quest for a conscious totality of being. That's what we do.
In the meantime, moment by moment, day by day, look to the stars and keep your feet firmly on the ground.
Leo New Moon
Leo New Moon
Welcome to the epitome of summer under the Leo Sun! The Moon left its' watery home of Cancer overnight entering Leo this morning where the Sun rules supreme. This is the lead-up to the New Moon in Leo taking place tomorrow morning - Sunday, August 8th at 9:50am EST. In some spiritual circles, this date, 8/8, is referred to as "The Lions Gate". The fixed blue Star Sirius, or the "dog star" as it's known, aligns on the 8th with Orion's Belt and the Pyramid at Giza. This starry collaboration bodes well for those looking to empower and create their own reality!
The Sun is at its strongest in Leo, adding strength to the New Moon, intensifying your abilities and your passions. Use this fire to inspire you right through to achieving success. The 8 vibration is about finding balance in those times of change, bringing a big shift into your life. What is the feeling you want to create... financial security... emotional well-being... career recognition... fame... ? Whatever it is, it's important to recognize anything that may be holding you back and be willing to let it go. As I was writing the rough draft of this post yesterday, I heard an announcer on the radio say "stay away from the weirdness, stay close to the goodness", that's good advice for achievement.
Other considerations at this New Moon phase are a waning opposition from restrictive Saturn, reminding you not to adhere to the rules of past authority, but to become your own authority figure. That can show up as old tapes from father figures, teachers, bosses, etc. Take what you need and leave the rest. Also significant is a square to the Sun and Moon from freedom-loving Uranus that urges you to be impulsive and do things your way. I would caution you not to have to stand out from the crowd here in order to use your ingenuity. Help others to gain their independence and you gain your own!
This is a powerful New Moon, bringing strength, time for fun, a bit of drama, courage, creativity and self-expression on stage. Recognize what you need most and carry it out into the world to create your own reality. Writing a wish list of the 5 steps that Leo Moon offers, will help focus your intention and energy, thereby ensuring success. And while you're at it, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~
Full Moon in Aquarius
(This was written on Friday, July 23rd, but a glitch in the system doesn’t allow me to change the date above.)
The Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo at 10:37pm EST tonight. This polarity of Fixed Air and Fixed Fire seeks balance between one’s thoughts and one’s expression - the yin and the yang of creativity and sharing your talents and gifts for the benefit of the collective. The Sun in Leo is strong in the chart of this lunation. Being placed as it is in it’s own home territory of the 5th house, self-expression abounds. While the Moon isn’t as strong in airy, rebellious Aquarius, it is placed in the 11th house of the chart where groups and humanitarian causes are supported. The battle of this Full Moon is ever with the ego and what one can do for the good of the whole.
Intensity is strongly felt during this Moon phase, which finds Luna aligned with Pluto in Capricorn, even though she has pulled away from the drama having entered Aquarius, and is asking how to pick up the pieces that need to be reclaimed or re-purposed. There are other issues with Pluto’s power dynamic happening now and they’re being pointed out by the opposing Sun in Leo and Mercury in Cancer. Obsessive tendencies are quite possible now with people hanging onto their emotions and/or their positions of power. Again, Full Moons are opportunities to see what we’re up against and strive for harmony in our lives.
Other considerations at this time are how to use our energy (Mars in Leo) without giving up the idea of peace and quiet (Jupiter in Pisces). Work, then rest… enter the fray, then retreat and reflect. If we don’t find a way to make room for both in our lives, we can burn out or miss what our inner muse is trying to say to us. Venus is in detail-oriented Virgo helping us to maintain healthy boundaries. Avoid being too critical of yourself, or others - give them their space too! Everyone is going through something and we each have our own path to follow. Allowing, listening and sharing are wonderful tools in tough times. We can’t fix someone else, but letting them know we’re there can be enough.
While navigating this Full Moon phase, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.
Mercury in Leo~
Mercury Enters Leo
On Tuesday, July 27th, 2021, Mercury, the planet of speaking, thinking and interacting, enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo for a mere two weeks. What Mercury wants to communicate during these 2 weeks while traveling through the sign of creative self-expression, is love and joy.
On the personality level, Mercury is all about communication, socialization and curiosity. It wants to collect information and share it with those closest to them. Acting at this level, Mercury finds out all the details, writes it down or spreads it around. That's its' job! Just watch out for the tendency to only focus on yourself and forget about the needs of others. Avoid gossiping as well.
When participating on the higher level of the soul, Mercury acts as "the messenger of the gods" to enhance growth and facilitate harmony where there is conflict. In the inspirational Fire Sign of Leo, it's job is to bring about love through knowledge, science or technology, and with the right use of will, can make a difference. One can know something and still not understand it. However, when love and wisdom are the driving forces, then a change for the good is possible.
Our individual job over the next 2 weeks then becomes one of expressing our love to our family, friends and assorted significant others. Don't forget smoothing the waters with coworkers and neighbors. Other attributes of Mercury are compromise and collaboration, especially when we want to accomplish something and need the help of others.
Remember, it's a good idea to pay attention to where you're going if distracted by the starry sky
The Sun Enters Leo
I am Leo, hear me roar! When the Sun, which gives us life and is necessary for our vitality is in Leo, the sign it rules, we discover our strengths, our creative abilities and our playful joys. This fifth sign of the zodiac is Fixed Fire. That means its’ element is Fire and being fixed, it stores, guards and uses its’ resources whenever inspired. The Sun is in its’ home territory for one month, encouraging creative self-expression, declarations of romantic feelings, and/or exploration of artistic talent. Be daring or be playful!
The Sun is technically the star at the center of our solar system, but is often referred to as a planet. Wherever the Sun is at birth shows your vital life force and where you can shine. You can see why Leos often like being the center of attention. They have pride and want to be noticed, appreciated and applauded for their talents and gifts. Drama and flamboyance are not out of the realm of personal expression for Leos. Many entertainers and actors are either born under this outgoing Sun sign or have their Moon or rising sign in Leo. I have found in studying the charts of notable personalities that Leo often dominates the midheaven of their birth chart, the epitome of career recognition.
If you are lucky enough to be within the personal orb of a Leo, that is loved by a Lion… they will lavish their gifts of love and affection on you, providing you with an abundance of entertainment and enjoyment. However, when their egos are in charge, Leos can be a bit insufferable at times. Their roar means to step back! During this month, you’ll notice big entrances and exits and other attention-grabbing scenarios in the media and on the stage. Enjoy the fun while it lasts!
Venus in Virgo
The attracting qualities of the Goddess of beauty, love and comfort, which is Venus, enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo tonight for the next three and a half weeks. This begins a time for clarity and discerning just how much of a good thing is enough. Venus in Leo was fun, let’s admit it, and now it’s time to get back to work.
It’s also a possibility that one is too hard on oneself. On the other hand, if you want to get organized and have been feeling the need to focus on the nitty gritty of your daily life, whether house-cleaning, finishing up a writing project, or setting up that event you said you’d be in charge of, now is the time to take it on and be efficient.
Sometimes, Venus in this somewhat critical and detail-oriented Sign can cause you to be too nit-picky with loved ones, so it’s a good idea to filter your thoughts before they become irritating words. Kindness and compassion will help to smooth a bumpy road. Think of what you want to say and how to include others rather than exclude them. This can be an opportunity to both show you care by your actions and spread a healing balm with your words.
This is my new Astrology website, where I’ll be posting New and Full Moon Blogs, as well as other topics of interest as spirit moves me to write about. The Moon today is in Sagittarius, my Sun Sign, and it’s making a helpful aspect to hardworking Saturn for longevity and hopefully, some success!
The Sun in Cancer with an assist from Neptune in Pisces adds intuition and thoughtfulness. I really like Mercury, the “Messenger of the Gods” in an opportune aspect with Uranus, the planet that connects Astrology and communication, bringing insight and clarity.
Throw in two Yods and a Mystic Rectangle and this chart speaks to my purpose and intention of sharing spiritual insight and integrity by integrating Esoteric, or Soul-centered astrology with Exoteric, personality-focused astrology.
I appreciate you coming along for the ride and hope you gain something from what I write here. May it serve your highest purpose!